Contests Shifting Attitudes and Behaviors 2018 Shifting Attitudes and Behaviors 2018 Semi-Finalist selection
Expert judges select semi-finalists
Sep 10, 2017 06:00 EDT
- Oct 20, 2017 09:00 EDT
Proposal revisions
Semi-finalists can improve their proposals
Oct 20, 2017 09:00 EDT
- Nov 6, 2017 06:00 EST
Finalist selection
Expert judges select finalists
Nov 6, 2017 06:00 EST
- Dec 18, 2017 12:00 EST
Voting period
Public Voting Period
Dec 18, 2017 12:00 EST
- Jan 15, 2018 11:00 EST
Winners are awarded
Jan 15, 2018 11:00 EST
A large scale civic center & city to serve the global community as a blueprint for sustainable cities and a gathering point for the planet
Climate Stories is an interactive mobile community hub for climate change engagement, planning & action.
Collaborating NGOs with Educational Institutes, Govt. & social welfare schemes to minimize and treat plastic waste through processing plants
Endorsed by the UNFCCC Secretariat, ECOS aims to be an international network-of-networks supporting climate literacy, engagement & action
Altering public sphere communication through popular media for knowledge and action on climate change in India
Public Space Installation using Augmented Reality to evoke empathy and build sustainable behaviours among people to combat climate change.
Climate Toothpaste helps climate groups with outreach and volunteer recruitment. Get Fresh n' Clean: Climate Toothpaste gets noticed!
Showcase motivating personal and community climate change stories and shape stories into artistic pieces to change public attitudes.
Transforming GHG challenges into opportunities. Learning how you artfully achieve positive impact within the current setting we are in.
Annual/monthly climate change awareness one day media event, in which people are encouraged to walk, use their bikes or even work from home.
NRG Tour- Active participant smartphone app combining a Scavenger Hunt with the concept of Advocate Marketing to advance GHG reduction
Navigating Climate Change Together: All Aboard ARK2.0 - A Creative Platform to Enlist Broad-Based Support To Adapt to a New Climate Future
Environmental faculty would make public their household greenhouse gas emissions profile and aim towards a given emissions target.
The non-profit company, will sell recylced paper cards for all occasions. The purchase of each card would plant 1+ tree across the world
Children, holidays, camps, meadows, insects, bees, city climate, cycling, education, balconies, flower acceptance
Human health and environment are at high risk in the process of modernization and transformation. Commuting behavior change can stop it.
Interactive public climate change installation fusing plants & technology to deliver grassroots engagement with low carbon future in cities
Clearinghouse: Climate project to secure water, energy, health & security solutions in any country. CARD revolutionizes solutions delivery.
If we really want people to change their attitudes and behaviours, try to shock them or touch them first.
Put the power of your intention and your awareness to the service of sustainability and contribute while reaching cosmic consciousness
The millions of groups in the environmental-progressive movement are an underutilized resource in the effort to solve global warming.
When environmental image determines market share economies will work for the environment and climate targets will become achievable.
National replicable tech platform for individuals and all sectors that addresses the perceptual barriers and provides new tools for action.
Imagine 1,000's of "Climate Adaptation & Resilience Centers" built around the world, educating and empowering communities to act on Climate.
LEDEdu educational kit for teachers to teach sustainability in classroom that makes teaching fun and engaging and impactful.
Our Endeavors is an online platform documenting people's endeavors across the world in tackling climate change, and inspire others!
Sensitizing the population in Madagascar on sustainable use of natural resources, promote the practice of efficient cooking methods
Honoring originality via a Collective Intelligence patent accelerates climate change technologies, attitudes, and behaviors into gear.
Each one of us leave is this bountiful garden with responsible to his flourish. The proposal is to create economic based on this assumption.
Let's actually have a Climate Debate. Who doesn't like a good fair fight and even better, who doesn't want to see a real conclusion?
How are women adapting to climate change in India - a documentation project
5Rs - Repensar, Recusar, Reduzir, Reutilizar e Reciclar!
To ask the whole population of the whole world, to use less carbon energy, through all the news services of all the countries of the world.
A "carbon" problem? No, we have a population problem. If proposed solutions don't scale with population growth, they will ultimately fail.
The same old-world system that is fuelling our global crises is also suppressing our abundance of whole-systems solutions!
A minable DB for personally recording and identifying individuals with high social/political capital.
Sparking action to address climate change through Persuasive Technology platforms that form a world of data art sustained by Herd Mentality.
The shift in attitude & behavior will occur only when enlightenment and passion are incorporated in the fight against climate change.
Family planning programs in South Korea, Taiwan and China confirmed a social change model that can be adapted to climate change
Secondary school extension of the World Climate Innovation workshops created by the Kiri Team