Green Games and Apps can change the World by RecycRace
Laur Hesse Fisher Jan 2, 2014 01:36 ![]() |
Hi Shay,
Thank you for your contest suggestion! This is a great idea. You may know that one of the Climate CoLab winning proposals in 2013 was for a green app -- Clio, a virtual green pet who responds to the player's low-carbon lifestyle choices. (
Some comments:
- Could you include a definition for what you call a "green game"?
- Lori Duvall is the Director of operational sustainability, where?
- What would really strengthen this proposal is some statistics on the app/video game industry, i.e. market share, number of users, total hour game play, demographics, etc.
Laur Fisher
Climate CoLab staff
Anita Heuss Jan 18, 2014 08:59 ![]() |
Mmmm...thinking of an online "SimCity" vs climate change where the players learn not only the cost of their power plans and polluting industry but starts off in a world much like our own where individuals have to work together in groups to solve ever more complex "real world" problems of balancing green spaces, food production, housing and so forth. The kicker is that each new player receives a high polluting, high resource area to start with and not only does the player have to learn to lower his pollution and and resources but the group he is playing with have to learn to integrate the player in the group without causing him to resort to resource draining wars for resources and to avoid other new players around him from attacking him for polluting their border regions and stealing their resources. The object is to identify groups of people who are good at this sort of "game" working together to save their "world and then transfer their expertise into real problems.
Robert Poulin Jan 27, 2014 03:56 ![]() |
I like the game idea but trying to change people into high thinking activists just sounds far fetched to me. If we really want to make a difference we have to find a way to make greed the motivating factor. Walmart is making some environmental changes to their business and making money from it too. Maybe your game could find a way to show people how they could save money by making changes to their lifestyle, small changes, that's the idea of crowd sourcing, everyone makes a small contribution but it adds up to something big.
Jacob Fuller Sep 22, 2014 04:45 ![]() |
The biggest obstacle I see with something like this is that people who are interested in this kind of thing are actively looking for things like this, but someone who is not will pay no mind to such things. I think rob888 is on the right track in saying the way to draw disinterested people like that is to make it about money.
John Ranford Sep 29, 2014 03:15 ![]() |
I agree gamifcation offers good incentives to act virtuously. I'm working on an app which aims to incentivise the public in the collection of data about a company's social responsibility activities so companies can be rated, and this will create competitiion which is an incentive for improved CSR behaviour. The game would encourage multiple verification of each piece of information, and retain anonymity to the information gatherer. Moreover the app would also encourage users to take part in a prediction market which will give a crowd-sourced appraisal of the future CSR performance of the company. I aim to use the Etherium platform, and would welcome to hear from others.