Laur Hesse Fisher Jul 15, 2014 11:34 ![]() |
Thanks for your proposal!
To better get traction and support on your plan, I encourage you to copy or move your proposal to the Adaptation contest, or even the Global contest, where you can link together other proposals and do a climate model run to test your hypothesis. It is also a great way to solicit collaboration and input to your Climate Plan.
Adaptation contest:
Global contest:
Laur Fisher
for the Climate CoLab team
Sam Carana Jul 16, 2014 02:05 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Thanks Laur, I did add details of the Climate Plan at "Global plan" at
Patrick Mcnulty Jul 16, 2014 08:29 ![]() |
Spot on Sam reminds me of a Fishbone analysis to "Reduce Risk of Methane Eruptions from Arctic Ocean Seafloor"..... Sadly,if we don't get er done in the next 20 years then future generations can look forward to 5K years of warming I am glad to be part of the climate action plan so that won't happen..
Sam Carana Jul 16, 2014 07:17 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Thanks for the support, Patrick.
Patrick Mcnulty Jul 17, 2014 08:31 ![]() |
You betcha Sam and spot on...Geochemical engineering got us into this and so Geo-engineering can get us out of this. Otherwise,it's a 5,000 year wait instead of a 20 year wait.... We better get busy..
Sam Carana Jul 17, 2014 11:08 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Thanks Patrick.
Sam Carana
Dorsi Diaz Jul 31, 2014 12:37 ![]() |
I am so glad to see your plan here Sam and will promote, promote and promote it because I know that methane is the game changer when it comes to climate change. Something has to be done about it, yesterday, and I hope some folks look seriously at your plan. I know you have put a lot of work and time into this for many years. best of luck to you and to all of us! -Dorsi
Sam Carana Jul 31, 2014 12:40 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Thanks for your support, Dorsi
Patrick Mcnulty Nov 21, 2014 03:40 ![]() |
If Sam wins Earth wins.
Laur Hesse Fisher Dec 16, 2014 10:16 ![]() |
Your proposal has been moved to the Proposal Workspace so that you can continue to work on it with other members of the Climate CoLab community.
Laur Fisher
for the Climate CoLab team
Michael Hayes May 20, 2015 06:25 ![]() |
Hello Sam,
Are you open to specific designs which can be deployed, in the near term, to capture and utilize the methane or are you primarily looking to develop policy level recommendations? I have far more faith in the prior due to the profit potential in harvesting and using the methane (per Shakova et. al.).
I can possibly provide a brief technical summary of:
-A means for autonomous (release and forget) ice sheet thickening
-A means for harvesting, converting and utilizing the ebullated methane to produce portable liquid biofuel
-A means for transporting bulk gas/fluids under ice sheet and over global distances
-A means for creating strong marine advective currents over the ebullation fields
-A means for creating strong atmospheric advective currents (due to potential trans-boarder issues of 'weather modification' on large scales, this concept has many policy issues attached and may not be worth the effort).
The concepts are in early stage development (no funding support) yet, as you know, even early stage concepts are needed.
The one aspect of global warming that truly scares the crap out of me is the calthrate gun and thank you for focusing in upon it. I'm largely aiming at general climate change mitigation/adaptation and I fully welcome someone who is willing to focus in on the Arctic issues as you have for years.
Also, some of your work is mentioned in a well done video: "Albert Bates' We're Totally F**ked Year in Review 2014." Well worth the 30 min.
Kindest regards,
I.m. Inventzilla May 21, 2015 01:40 ![]() |
You have a list of goals not a real action plan. None of the questions the CoLab asks have been answered.
Sam Carana May 21, 2015 03:31 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Inventzilla, more details are at where the Climate Plan is proposed as a global plan.
Sam Carana May 21, 2015 03:52 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Thanks Michael,
The Climate Plan is proposed as a global plan, while at the same time encouraging much action to be taken locally. Motto: global commitment, local implementation. For more details, see
Furthermore, the Climate Plan does not merely propose one specific type of action, but instead proposes comprehensive and effective action through multiple lines of action, to be deployed in parallel, i.e. separately yet while often working complementary and while encouraging policies to be put in place that can most effectively accomplish agreed goals and milestones.
Specific approaches, methods and technologies (including geo-engineering) are discussed from time to time at blogs such as the Arctic-news blog and the geo-engineering blog. I would be pleased to include some of your work there. Alternatively, feel encouraged to post details of your work at groups such as and
Sam Carana
I.m. Inventzilla May 26, 2015 07:44 ![]() |
Hi Sam;
I saw your website and although you have some workable ways of lowering greenhouse radiative warming like not using Portland cement, it does not count as geoeneginnering. I think your contest submission should be moved to a different category that does not compete with real geoengineering project proposals.
Michael Hayes Jun 5, 2015 05:43 ![]() |
Dear Inventzilla,
All....geoengineering paths become moot if the calthrate gun goes off. Solving the Arctic Methane problem set is central to...any...workable geoengineering concept. Sam's emphasis on this core issue should not be moved and should be a required aspect of any comprehensive Global Plan/Geoengineering method.
BTW, what exactly do you envision as a "REAL" geoengineering scheme??? I do wish to read your response. This is not a rhetorical question.
Best regards,
Im Inventzilla Jan 21, 2016 09:04 ![]() | Sam Caran's proposal was removed from the geoengineering category and now somebody put it back. My same criticisms are still valid. Changing the composition and manufacturing process for cement does not qualify as geonegineering. Now do the other parts of his plan to reduce greenhouse warming. It is impossible to mine methane clathrates on the ocean bottom without stirring them up and releasing huge amounts of methane! This concept will actually increase methane levels in the atmosphere and worsen the methane clathrate time bomb. Warming will take place faster!
Im Inventzilla Jan 21, 2016 09:10 ![]() | Sam Caran's proposal was removed from the geoengineering category and now somebody put it back. My same criticisms are still valid. Changing the composition and manufacturing process for cement does not qualify as geonegineering. Now do the other parts of his plan to reduce greenhouse warming. It is impossible to mine methane clathrates on the ocean bottom without stirring them up and releasing huge amounts of methane! This concept will actually increase methane levels in the atmosphere and worsen the methane clathrate time bomb. Warming will take place faster!