Sergio Pena Jul 19, 2014 04:01 ![]() |
Only reference number 11 is strictly related to your proposal. If the proposal is so specific why don´t you proposo the the municipality and explains us the consecuence but ptoposing this project here creates a question on what kind of consecuences might create to other municipalities this idea? It is not possible to bring this idea to different municipalities even in Corta Rica and, of course, in the region and worldwide. Therefore, you missed the point in certain respect and woul be interesting to reformulate your proposal bringing new references as well as explaining how other municipalieites might implement this project and what kinf of consecuences might produce.
Sergio Molina Murillo Jul 21, 2014 12:03 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Thank you for your comment. We agree that the description of the implementation of this proposal is specific to one particular Municipality mainly because it has already been classified as a national priority given rapid land-use changes and water scarcity issues. However, we also agree, that the model presented here is quite replicable on other Municipalities around the country and the world through a: 1) mapped and informed process, 2) a concerted and participatory strategy; 3) clearly designed lower (district) level risk management plans; 4) a clear prioritization of sectors where action is highly needed; 5) and with an educational and training component geared towards an empowerment of local actors; all resulting in a more resilient and ready to adapt Municipality (any Municipality). It is precisely this option and intent for replication the main reason why references don´t require to be Municipality specific.
Climate Colab Aug 6, 2014 08:16 ![]() |
Thank you for your submission to the Climate CoLab adaptation contest. This is a strong and clearly outlined proposal. The judges like the focus on building municipal capacity to identify (early) the possible impacts of climate change and put in place new institutional relationships that can respond appropriately. The university-city partnership is appealing. It appears that the team may potentially be able to gather the energy, insights and political support required for this to succeed. However, this proposal can be strengthened by more details on how this initiative intends to approach farmers and water supplies. How will initial contact be made with these stakeholders, and what kind of participation is expected of them? It also appears that these two sectors are quite different. What is the advantage of dealing with them simultaneously - are there synergies between the two, or would focusing on just one make the poposal more focused and more likely to succeed? The judges would like to see you engage a bit more with these questions in the proposal. Finally, it would be interesting to have some concrete examples of the types of farming and water management techniques that might be employed. Congratulations on advancing to as a semi-finalist, and the adapation contest team looks forward to seeing your revised proposal for the final submission.
Victor Blanco Aug 26, 2014 03:56 ![]() |
Los mejores deseos en su propuesta, que es excelente! Por favor revisen mi propuesta en el concurso "Waste Management" denominada REACC. Agradecería mucho si pueden hacer "Support Proposal", como yo apoyo la de ustedes.
Climate Colab Sep 3, 2014 12:24 ![]() |
Thank you for submitting a final proposal. Your proposal attempts to address important issues related to climate adaptation in economically developing regions, and the judges appreciate its relevance and ambition. It is good that you discuss synergies between farming and water in your proposal, and go over some stakeholder engagement and water management techniques that could be employed – there is still space to flesh out your ideas with more detail. As you move forward with your proposed actions, you are strongly encouraged to continue using the judges’ feedback to help guide your work. There is always room for improvement, and the judges would like to see you respond further to the questions and comments that were raised during semi-finalist selection. For ease of reference, the judges’ initial suggestions have been summarized by a contest fellow below:
Suggested improvements summary:
- Details on how team intends to approach farmers and water suppliers
o How will initial contact be made? What kind of participation expected?
- What are the advantages to dealing with these two sectors simultaneously?
o Outline synergies or consider focusing on one.
- Concrete examples of water management techniques that might be employed?
Congratulations on a strong proposal, and the adaptation contest team wishes you the best of luck!
Jean-pierre Sancho Sep 4, 2014 01:35 ![]() |
great specific proposal and details.
I think the best way to deal/adapt to climate changes is by region and locally. Each region much study and analyses threats specific to their area.
Water n food will be the basic for survival... I think everyone should have at least 1-2week food supply just in case of...
Hemant Wagh Sep 5, 2014 12:32 ![]() |
If you could consider requesting your future clients to store throughout the year the seeds of fruits they eat at home and spread those seeds, after commencement of Mansoon, the rainy season, on to unused land in & around the city, town, village, as an activity that would help improve green cover! Rather than wasting the fruit seeds by letting decay, this would help grow fruit-bearing trees as well. Following is a link to such a proposal.
This will be useful for both adaptation as well as mitigation purposes..
Osero Shadrack Tengeya Sep 17, 2014 04:32 ![]() |
Hi UNA team and your friends, kindly consider voting for my proposal shown on this link.
Anne-marie Soulsby Sep 23, 2014 04:18 ![]() |
Hi UNA Team,
Please consider voting for my proposal,
Good luck with your entry!
Victor Blanco Oct 4, 2014 11:22 ![]() |
Please check the "Discusion Section" in the "Community" label... Proposal of activity during the Conference Session of 2014 Winners...