Please find below the
Semi-Finalist Evaluation
Judges'' comments
The Judges provided the following feedback on your proposal:
While the judges found linking waste management, landless farmers and insurance as a novel idea, but saw that the feasibility and sustainability of the proposal is questionable and is not well articulated at this stage.
In particular, the specific benefits of the landless as opposed to all buyers of the recyclable waste (e.g. plastic bottle) is not articulated. It simply states Landless farmers and other marginalized groups will be engaged in the second phase of the project when the structures for waste management and recycling is already strengthened at a widespread scale.
Judges appreciated that the proposal identifies the need to do a review of existing schemes and identify different policy options and that it aims to identify multiple stakehlders and discuss different options from different perspectives. They saw there is some confusion on social protection, its objective and how it is financed that would need futher clarification.
All in all, the judges found this an iIntriguing idea to identify recycling as a source of financing and wish you the best of luck in further developing this idea.
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