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Please find below the judging results for your proposal.

Finalist Evaluation

Judges'' comments

The proposal did not sufficiently address Judges' questions from the previous round. This is an appealing proposal, however, salient costs are not highlighted, ie training
and reaching more farmers. Ultimately how much acreage do we intend to cover in how long?

Semi-Finalist Evaluation

Judges'' ratings


Judges'' comments

Has this group already worked in other countries doing the same activities? If so, please elaborate.

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Soumyadeb Pal

Jun 9, 2016
11:29 AM


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This group represents manufacturers of tensiometers and soil testing kits - serving farmers globally. We personally have worked with institutions and farmers in 10 nations other than India and through our global collaborators in almost every country in the world. Other manufacturers, whom we represent are, , Irrometer Co of USA, SDEC of France, UMS GmbH of Germany, Soil Measurement Systems & Soilmoisture Equipment Corporation of USA.

Together, we are will poised to support the farmer population globally.

Other changes in proposal include the inclusion of data received from our user scientist - which successfully demonstrates the promise of the tensiometer.

Accordingly projections have been altered. The projections listed in impact are built on the premise that adoption is a coerced one. Field studies show that upto 60% CH4 emissions have been curtailed by controlled irrigation. We are confident of being able to demonstrate control of the N2O and CO2 outputs through fertilizer management and afforestation exercises.

We expect adoption to peak by 2050 to encompass 95% of population - enforced by State level interventions and policies – towards highest possible GHG mitigation.

At present trends Land use & other sectors are expected to give rise to almost 3600 gigatons of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent/decade by 2050

We expect a best case adoption scenario to drop this emission to about a tenth of the present trend value – to about 380 gigatons of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent/decade by 2050


Other than this formatting and rephrasing of certain ideas have been done.

Soumyadeb Pal

Jun 10, 2016
11:18 AM


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Tensiometer monitored irrigation has been propagated for over 70 years now and is still surprisingly underutilized with less than .01% of all farmers using it. We are yet to find a more accurate, reliable and affordable instrument to understand and schedule irrigation events in the domain of agriculture.

The principle it functions on is still very simple. While it may not seem very high tech, its functioning is certainly novel. Hence, the utility and benefits of tensiometer monitored irrigation should not be undermined.