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Impact Profiles by Impact Profiles

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Social profile of your carbon footprint resulting from your energy consumption.



Short Summary

Social profile of your carbon footprint resulting from your energy consumption.

Think facebook / instagram of your CO2 footprints. Then, gaming, shaming, (geo-)comparison and peer pressure, to help you improve on your results!


New solutions for sustainability, based on collective intelligence, but also support for a true low-carbon economy, and renewable energy production, using initiatives grounded on real communities of people and real challenges.


Impact Profiles measures real personal impact on climate change for better cities


Reduce climate change impact (CO2)


Increase Renewables percentage in Energy Mix 


Harnessing social networks and using behavioral science to reduce climate change impacts

By giving people personalized impact reports monthly and let them share and know their peers` results online.

People will see this as a collective ranking that makes visible and relevant the way they consume energy.

People, with the help of technology, are the real engine for climate change and better cities so we are designing tools to capture individual impact and making individual efforts relevant and visible.


Everyone wants to do good, but want to know it matters!


Which plan do you select for China?

Value not set.

Which plan do you select for India?

Value not set.

Which plan do you select for the United States?

(Revised)Plan to build low-carbon cities from the ground up in the United States

Which plan do you select for Europe?

Impact Profiles

Which plan do you select for other developing countries?

Value not set.

Which plan do you select for other developed countries?

Value not set.

What additional cross-regional proposals are included in your plan, if any?

Clean Energy with Social Responsibility

GreenUp - Engaging communities to build green & resilient cities in India

Modifying Behavior,Shifting Mindsets,and Incorporating Innovation to Red...

Recalibration of traditional calendars through participatory data collec...

Seed Proposal: INDCs submitted to 2015 UN climate negotiations

How do the regional and cross-sectoral plans above fit together?

The proposal bridges a number of areas of interest of the Climate Colab:

  • Buildings; 
  • Urban Energy Efficiency; 
  • Shifting Attitudes & Behavior; 
  • Local solutions Reducing consumption; 
  • Youth action on climate change.

Explanation of the emissions scenario calculated in the Impact tab

Buildings are responsible for ca. 40% of all CO2 emissions

Comparison with others, proved to be a successful driver of green(er) actions

Our proposal tries to bridge those two facts. Full emission scenario would have to include difficult to estimate socio-economic factors, such as rebound effects.

What are the plan’s key benefits?



Measurable, and actionable, information 


Engaging citizens in reducing climate change impacts (i.e. footprints)


Differentiating factor(e.g. your profile summary and statistics on invoices) Possibility to include additional services on top of profiles


Providing employees (using profiles) with motivation and purpose Capture reputational value from using innovative sustainability efforts


Possibility to include a premium on sustainable solutions and companies (e.g. pay additional 5% for your electricity provider to buy greener electricity)


If successful, possibility to replicate the results in related areas, e.g. water consumption & footprints

What are the plan’s costs?

Primarily it’s people (wages) and ICT related costs (depends on the number of end users, cost of labor, etc.).

Estimated 250k USD$ to develop, build, test and pilot the project in a number of cities

What are the key challenges to enacting this plan?

User base & growth

- Keeping users engaged in the long term 

- Reaching and building the initial user base


- Miscellaneous issues related to the datasets (e.g. time series availability, accuracy of self-reported information, ownership and access to information) 

Capturing value

- Actors and potential stakeholders can have divergent interests and values


2015-2016 1st demo (per city); 

Already testing in Portugal:

Website and personalized reports that can be shared

London is the next test target due to data availability.
