Finding Common Ground To Move Forward! by Johnnie Buttram
Anna Förster Apr 29, 2014 03:55 ![]() |
I am not sure I understand what this proposal *proposes*. On one side, I agree that simply acting where you CAN is a good idea - but most of us actually do that already. However, many people do not know who to do it or how to effectively do it. One example: in my office, I can do a lot to nudge people to think about sustainability: saving paper, buying fair-trade biological coffee, etc. At home, I can also do a lot. But at my parents' home I feel completely powerless - whatever I suggest, the answer is " I have always done it like that" or "I know better".
Another problem is that people do not like being told what and how to do it. Furthermore, the people who always "know better" become simply boring and unsympathetic. How could we fight this?
Doron Bracha Apr 29, 2014 01:37 ![]() |
Interesting proposal and clearly good intentions, but I'm afraid the majority of mankind doesn't seem to be ready for that.
You wrote "Everyone" and "Together". That's wonderful but in reality, a lot of people are ignorant and/or indifferent regarding the environment.
It reminds me of John Lennon's song "Imagine"...
If we could only convince people to stop putting so much money, energy and efforts into warfare, and instead invest in civil infrastructure, sustainable agriculture and renewable energy...
We can't really bring 'everyone together' even in a single country, there are different political parties and different approaches and priorities.
The proposal mentions elite people, inventors, problem solvers etc. Those are indeed essential, but in order to reduce consumption (which is one of the most important aspects of sustainability), we need to engage the masses, the common people around the world.
But on a brighter note, those of us who do know and care, already do what they can to promote sustainability and to educate the next generation, to do better than us.
Perhaps people around the world will eventually have to wake up and collaborate on protecting the environment, as we all deal with the consequences of global warming, natural disasters, water and food scarcity etc. So don't give up and keep doing what you can :-)
Cheers !..
Johnnie Buttram May 18, 2014 02:05 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Dear Anna Forster and Doran Bracha,
I sincerely thank you for your time and skills outlining the complexities involved in trying to gently persuade those around us to better understand the seriousness of climate change.
I sympathize with your frustration!
Not being able to fully understand the best way to answer your concerns, I will try to share with you why I wrote the proposal, "Finding Common Ground To Move Forward!"
I am a retired small-businessman, born and raised in northeastern Oklahoma.
As a child, I heard stories about the Great Depression, Dust Bowl of (1929 - 1941), and the migration to California. My grandfather was a lifelong blacksmith . . so the stories related to me were based from the perspective of those who were poor, tired, and homeless.
These stories of biblical proportions told to me and perceived as a child are probably why I honed in on climate at an early age, and also why as a young businessman I let out credit to non-paying customers which caused the business to fail.
My frustration of how to reach out and positively impact sustainability began about 40 plus years ago. I could not help but notice that when I would casually mention to the educated, uneducated, financially stable, or poor that our political and business leaders seemed to be unconcerned about the potential fallout of our future eco systems, their eyes would glaze over and become almost totally blank. It was almost like I had come from a different planet . . which may help explain why so many of the old-time climate dudes could possibly have a chronic identity problem!
As to this day, I carefully choose my conversations as the evolution of recognizing climate change has not progressed to the point of real action.
In fact, one of our Oklahoma Senators has been described as the first person to stand up and say, "Global warming is the greatest hoax that has ever been perpetrated."
These are just a few of the reasons why I can truthfully say I sympathize with your frustration!
As a researcher and inventor, I have especially focused these last 7 years of my life on several proposals and solutions to hopefully help those who are innocent of contributing to the overall problem.
. .to be continued . .
Johnnie Buttram May 18, 2014 03:03 ![]() | Proposal contributor
The bottom line here is . . the masses of Planet Earth are becoming more and more frustrated because the political agendas of governments and big business failed to make prudent choices to maintain future sustainability.
The masses are becoming more frustrated they trusted and took for granted our leaders would always factor in the best interests of our families.
As result of these in-actions, the word ADAPTATION, has become the norm. Many sleepless nights with thoughts of adaptation coupled with massive migration and chaos prompted me to make a desperate move to write "Finding Common Ground To Move Forward!"
I reasoned that if responsibility and compassion will not trickle down to the masses from the top . . maybe our best hope is to peacefully coerce and let those in power know the masses know what they have or haven't done, and the masses will collectively hold them responsible in the next election or as consumers of their products.
Ironically, this morning I read that on May 17, 2014, House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif), encouraged the graduates of the University of California Berkeley to speak out to tackle problems with income disparity, education quality, and climate change.
She told them their peers around the world will help, and there's no need to wait for leaders to act.
In closing;
Anna and Doran, I want to thank you again for your time and excellent comments.
If I fail in this proposal attempt to move forward . . I pray that someone, individually or collectively, will step forward with a proposal to rekindle the planetary cooperation and compassion we so desperately need.
Johnnie Buttram
Paulo Borges De Brito May 21, 2014 10:32 ![]() |
Very interesting, but I am not sure if I understood "what actions do you propose?" section. Could you clarify a little bit more what future actions will be. The way it's written seems there is no action.
Johnnie Buttram May 22, 2014 07:54 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Dear Paulo Borges de Brito,
When private agendas of those who want to use innovation to neutralize climate change and the agendas of those who create turmoil and dissension to keep things just the way they are reaches a stalemate, climate change becomes further entrenched.
When we as individuals or groups astutely recognize these phonies, we should collectively speak out and hold their feet to the fire and let them know we know what they are doing and they can either continue to be the problem or be a part of the solution.
English author Edward Bulwer Lytton in 1839 wrote the metonymic adage, "The pen is mightier than the sword."
Paulo, after reviewing your profile and blogging skills, you, Anna, and Doron are perfect examples of what Planet Earth desperately needs if we are to survive.
Gunes Hellweger May 23, 2014 08:05 ![]() |
Dear Johnnie,
I like the general approach of your proposal. Though, I think you should be more specific on
certain aspects of this proposal:
1- Forming volunteer groups may have a network structure. How would you build that structure?
What kind of public outreach program would be in place? Will you have central organizations, or
independent organizations with different missions? You can be more specific about the structure of the
volunteer organizations
2- I think there should be sub-groups to address different issues. You can propose a map for the issues
these people would be working on. These can be reducing CO2 emission through A/Cs, cars, etc. energy efficiency
measures through light fixtures, ....
I like the approach, but you can be more specific.
Johnnie Buttram May 24, 2014 03:49 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Dear Gunes Hellweger,
Thank you for your comments!
As a researcher and inventor, I believe to be effective and hopefully retain a small portion of sanity, I must realize that sometimes the line between opinion and fact is often blurred . . to the point where neither one is recognizable!
I wrote "Finding Common Ground To Move Forward!" because Planet Earth desperately needs skilled realists with values to replace the doctors of political spin with serious medicine!
I am a 71 year old realist with hopefully enough skill-sets to pursue the innovation which may someday help Planet Earth.
But to be totally honest with you . . I do not have the required skills to expand this "Finding Common Ground To Move Forward!" proposal the way it should be to maximize the importance of impact to dilemma.
You have posted significant factors that will require skill-sets and connections I don't have.
Co Lab &/or their members (as an example - Vincent Pawlowski) have skill-sets custom designed to help separate the wheat from the chaff . . and move forward those who are truly committed to doing the right things for the right reasons . . and expose those who have self-absorbed into their selfish agendas.
Gunes, thank you for your insightful comments and for requiring me to post my limitations.
Johnnie Buttram
Paulo Borges De Brito May 27, 2014 06:43 ![]() |
Dear Johnnie,
Thank you for your response. It's a very broad set of actions. That would be nice if you could use a graphical representation such as mapping to identify the flow of actions and information with this diverse group of people involved in the project.
Johnnie Buttram May 28, 2014 01:09 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Dear Paulo,
Thanks for your comment.
Those associated with this moving forward project should be able to make prudent individual and collective judgment calls that are closely associated with their specific problems and goals in their area.
Unfortunately, Planet Earth is falling victim to solution delayers and those political doctors of spin who lurk in the shadows.
In fact, those lurking in the shadows have become so good at what they do that I recently read that renown researcher, Lennart Bengtsson, resigned from the GWPF (Global Warming Policy Foundation) due to extreme pressures and ostracism from his peers.
CO2's are 400 ppm and moving upward and the numbers of those trying to do something about it is shrinking. This is a troubling scenario!
"Finding Common Ground To Move Forward!" could become major class players and bloggers to identify those delayers and spin doctors who are holding back the progress of climate change problem identification and the solving of these problems.
We don't have to be obnoxious or redundant. Simply stated - we let the world know who is planting thistles to grow the weeds we will someday be forced to eat.
To be effective - individuals and groups wearing the white hats should be located everywhere that climate change will impact their specific area locally, regionally, and globally.
Thanks again,
Shannon Cosentino-roush Jun 12, 2014 10:49 ![]() |
First, I want to say that you definitely are right. Individuals have the power to be huge agents of change, especially when they act together. I have to agree with some of the earlier comments-- in reading your submission, I am not sure I got a strong sense of your proposed action. I do get that your basic idea is for everyone to take action, but your submission doesn't provide a suggested action for how to make that happen. I don't think that you need to step away from your idea, but maybe just provide a more concrete suggestion. For example: maybe something like the "30 Random Acts of Kindness" challenge that is spreading around Facebook, but with an environmental spin? Just some food for thought. You still have time to tighten up your proposal to make sure your good thoughts are persuasively made!
Johnnie Buttram Jun 19, 2014 04:20 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Dear Sco sentinoroush,
Thank you for your comments!
The very first thing I want to do is apologize for taking so long to get back to you. When I wrote this proposal, I envisioned this proposal may help spark interaction between those gifted with compassion and social conscience skill-sets to collectively work together &/or splinter off as individual entities and again solidify to become a collective force for change etc. etc.
Hopefully - this may be happening and I don't know that it's happening - or I may have misjudged
the potential.
The reason I have been hesitant to respond is that I have noticed a trend from everyone that has commented that you all want to do the right things for all the right reasons, but I don't have the ability to point you in the right direction. My biggest problem is I am an inventor that works with innovative variables. I am not a social scientist with the skill-sets that you have to help change the world.
I have asked a professional with a combination of your unique skill-sets to help everyone work together as a cohesive force for good.
In the meantime, those of you who want to communicate and use this comment page as a sounding board to reach out and start your journey . . you have my OK as long as we are permitted to do so by the Co Lab Staff.
Thank you for your patience,
Johnnie Buttram
Vishal Bhavsar Jun 20, 2014 12:33 ![]() |
Thoughts around this proposal is quite novel. You are right Johnnie that research and activist group should work towards bringing disruptive changes in technologies to fight against climate change.
You would have similar examples of interventions taken to tackle disease control, poverty, water and sanitation. Take example of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which throws challenge to public to come up with innovative technologies/approach to deal with these global issues. Climate change is similar issue at big scale where there will be partnership required amongst all stakeholders.
There was one innovation challenge thrown open Mahindra Group in India:
(a) The Mobility Challenge, which invites solutions for driverless cars in India,
(b) The Solar Challenge that aims to make solar energy products more accessible.
This second challenge to fight against climate change and energy security for the country. This challenge will have partnership between not only researcher, environmentalist but also technology leaders.
Thus you could look at these options to bring change to find common ground.
All the best!
Johnnie Buttram Jun 21, 2014 09:57 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Dear Vishalbhaver,
Thank you for your comments! I can tell by your comments you have a desire to see change - and and that you have the ability to be compelling force to make change happen. At 71 - and classified as an old-timer - I've seen a lot of things happen over the years that were huge disappointments. But I am very hopeful to find there are those like you and many others connected to the Co Lab site who are genuinely concerned to promote good and move forward. Many of you have the skills and discipline to become entities for change . . all by yourself.
I applaud you!
Warmest regards,
Johnnie Buttram
Johnnie Buttram Jul 15, 2014 04:55 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Dear, Anna Forster, Doran Bracha, Paulo Borges de Brito, Gune Hellweger, Sco Sentinoroush, and Vishalbhaver,
I want to again thank you for your excellent comments and observations. I also want to apologize for not being able to answer some of your questions to point you in the right directions.
To everyone interested in expanding their social skills regarding a broader discussion of geoengineering, I posted a link to this information on the references box on the proposal,
Finding Common Ground To Move Forward!
Thanks again,
Johnnie Buttram
Hemant Wagh Sep 3, 2014 09:22 ![]() |
I have a rather simple or rather some may prefer to call simplistic idea about the issues raised by you. I have put it in a succinct form in a proposal below. Kindly go through it let me know your opinion. Its titled as 'Swami Vivekananda Fruit-Trees Expansion Mission for environment, peace, health." Link is below.