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Pitch of the project is to make contribution in sustainable conservation and management of Magamba nature reserve.




Project Summary:

The Social and Ecological interactions are among the things that leave human being away from the natural environments surrounding him. In common observable and preventable cases of social interaction with the environments such as plants and animals species found in Magamba nature reserve in the Eastern Arc Mountains, there must be some replacements of human need from the nature so as to decrease or even hinder nature exploitation.

 In the village people who are only found in the villages are the women bune working hard and most of their life is depending the natural forest around hence their main activities is based on selling of charcoal and fuel wood from the nearby the nature reserve to sustained their life, and thus contributing to the lost of the biodiversity and destruction of the reserve.

 Start-up capital for women group training them on business management will empower the women financially and managing their business; the purchase of tree nurseries equipments and training of all participants. Furthermore, FoU intends to initiate and promote viable and profitable alternative sources of income-generating activities to the women at Kwembago near adjustment to Magamba Nature reserve such as beekeeping, fish farming and growing of high quality banana and macadamia, the society intends to educate and sensitize the communities on business management and the use of energy-saving stoves.

Organize sensitization meetings at local level to foster the sense of concern on women empowerment, Strengthen and establishment of the clubs/ groups as Committees at the village level to create village institution that will take leadership in the project implementation roles, Provide new skills in bee keeping and fish farming and business management and establishment of Sacco’s for the women. Promote banana farming as Agro forestry an alternative income generating activity, with  the above the approach the following impacts will be the result

Key actor

Grassroots neighborhood organizations

What actions do you propose?


The Purpose for this project is to make contribution in sustainable conservation and management of Magamba nature reserve.

The measurable objectives of each component of the soil conservation and Management of natural resources are outlined below.

After completing the Natural resources management training each poor peasant will have achieved the following: -

Learn how to raise various tree seedlings, Gain proficiency in natural resources management; Set short and long term goals; For the two years of this grant at least 500 peasants will participate in this project; At least 20,000 tree seedling will be raised and planted and Gain skills and knowledge in soil conservation.

Usambara Mountains is one of the denser populated in Tanzania with population density of 500,000 people living equivalent to 124 people living per square kilometers. Usambara Mountains has area covered of 3500, the biggest challenges in this region is the threatening of the natural resources such as natural forests in this region in which majority of the women and youths are cutting down timbers and charcoal fuel wood to earn income to make their living in which is damaging this region considered to be the 23rd hotspot biodiversity on the Earth.  Many of the man in the Villagers has gone to the big Cities looking for jobs hence women are mainly people found in the village, currently the mainly people working in the land are women sometime spending the whole day collecting fire wood, making charcoal at Magamba nature reserve contributing to the destruction of the natural forest and this project is intending to provide them with alternatives means whilst raising the standard of living to their families.


Project Objective

The objective of the project is to find alternatives way of income generating activities for the women and enhance tree planting in villages adjacent to Magamba nature reserve so as to reduce pressure on the degradation of the reserve

Friends of Usambara Society (FoU) will invite experts in forestry, and business management on, horticulture, health, gender and others to facilitate in the sensitization meetings and training. Such collective initiative is a more motivating way to make the community accept and assimilate the new knowledge and techniques.

Hence the purpose for this project is to conserve and manage natural resources. In order to achieve these objectives, FoU delivers a comprehensive skill set to provide poor farmers with a foundation of nursery techniques, tree planting and management in order to succeed in their Natural resources management ventures.

The skills set consists of: tree seed treatment, seed germination, nursery techniques, tree seedling planting and husbandry, soil conservation, entrepreneurship skills, bee keeping  etc.

The measurable objectives of each component of the soil conservation and Management of natural resources are outlined below.

After completing the Natural resources management training each poor peasant will have achieved the following: -

Learn how to raise various tree seedlings; Gain proficiency in natural resources management; Set short and long term goals; For the two years of this grant at least 500 peasants will participate in this project


Using a holistic framework. FoU introduces poor peasants to opportunities for better economic standards and training that would be otherwise unavailable. FoU will provide resources to poor peasants with management of natural resources skills and provide them with continuing assistance to start their own tree nurseries. Additionally, we will build poor peasants capacity to successfully become aware of District Council laws and by – laws on natural resources management to productive use.

Time schedule and responsible persons for each activity


Responsible persons


1,1 Organize a  village level sensitization meetings

FoU, village chairman

March 2013

2,1 Establish a nursery , for the  village

Village committee


March  2013

2,2 Establish tree  nursery  in primary schools

Primary school staff and pupils

April 2013

2,3 Procure nursery materials viz. seeds and poly tubes


March  2013

2,4 Organize a hand-on training of tree raising, planting and maintenance


Tanzania Conservation Forest Group

March  2013


2,5 Organize a practical training on beekeeping and fish farming



May  2013

3,1 Identify water sources in each of the two villages


West Usambara Women Education Promoters

June 2013

3,2 Demarcate and plant tree seedlings around water sources

Primary schools


September  2013

4,1 Procure and distribute high quality banana suckers



November 2013

4,2 Procure and distribute macadamia seedlings


August 2013

5,1 Train villagers on the construction of energy serving stoves


September 2013

6,1 Costs for participatory monitoring activities

FoU and experts




1. The District Council


1.1 To liaise with their officers at village level to create an enabling environment for meetings and business management training.

1.2 To give expert advice.

1.3 To receive information on the progress of the project, analyze it and give feedback.

1.4 To support in costs within their reach such as

Meeting halls transport, etc.

1.5 District extension officers to oversee sustained

Development through inspection and advice.

2. Village government.

2.1 To understand the nature, scope and cause of

The problem.

2.2 To understand the need for empowered women and restoring the forests, conserving nature.

2.3 To accept the need for alternative

income-generating activities to the women as an

Important aspect in the conservation process whilst doing enterprises.

2.4 To mobilize human and material resources during the implementation period.

2.5 To ensure sustainability of the project is taken under the women control.

3.  Women as village community

3.1 Preparation of nurseries, watering, weeding, tending the seedlings and selling.

3.2 Construction of furrows to and out of fishponds and maintain them.

3.3 Feeding the fish until they are grown up for use and sale.

3.4 Buying beehives.

3.5 Cultivating, weeding and putting manure in banana and macadamia farms.

4. Other NGOs, CBOs and

Government institutions.

4.1 Provide technical advice on project


4.2 To exchange information on their

activities and the impact to poverty


5. Development partners-

5.1 To build the capacity of FoU in project

Design, implementation and monitoring.

5.2 To avail funds timely.

5.3 To receive information on project

Implementation and give feedback.

Who will take these actions?


Using a holistic framework. FoU introduces poor peasants to opportunities for better economic standards and training that would be otherwise unavailable. FoU will provide resources to poor peasants with management of natural resources skills and provide them with continuing assistance to start their own tree nurseries. Additionally, we will build poor peasants capacity to successfully become aware of District Council laws and by – laws on natural resources management to productive use.

Where will these actions be taken?


Since FoU is not a new organization and the need to manage natural resources is also not a new idea many projects on soil conservation and management of natural resources have been executed in Lushoto Examples are, the soil Erosion Control and Agro forest Project (SECAP) Traditional Irrigation Improvement Programme the Buffer Zone Management etc. Peasants participated in those programmes; hence some peasants have knowledge in tree planting and soil conservation. This knowledge and skills will assist in the sustainability of the proposed management of natural resources project. The key to such sustainability lies in our innovation model of rural participatory. We believe it essential that, Communities and individuals participate actively in efforts and decision that affect their interests and that they contribute to these efforts.  Communities should determine the terms of their own development.

This philosophy of empowering communities is reflected in our activities. In addition FoU continually assesses the strengths and weakness of its activities through qualitative and quantitative evaluations done by FoU itself.

This constant evaluation ensures that adaptation of projects and activities meet Communities changing needs and self – determined priorities.

It encourages sustainability and community as well as organizational growth in an organizational sense. Once the proposed project period has ended, the poor farmers will have gained skills in Management of natural resources to implement the hands on skills.

This constant evaluation ensures that adaptation of projects and activities meet Communities changing needs and self – determined priorities.

It encourages sustainability and community as well as organizational growth in an organizational sense. Once the proposed project period has ended, the poor farmers will have gained skills in Management of natural resources to implement the hands on skills.

How much will emissions be reduced or sequestered vs. business as usual levels?


 We believe it essential that, Communities and individuals participate actively in efforts and decision that affect their interests and that they contribute to these efforts.  Communities should determine the terms of their own development.

This philosophy of empowering communities is reflected in our activities. In addition FoU continually assesses the strengths and weakness of its activities through qualitative and quantitative evaluations done by FoU itself.

It encourages sustainability and community as well as organizational growth in an organizational sense. Once the proposed project period has ended, the poor farmers will have gained skills in Management of natural resources to implement the hands on skills.

It encourages sustainability and community as well as organizational growth in an organizational sense. Once the proposed project period has ended, the poor farmers will have gained skills in Management of natural resources to implement the hands on skills.

What are other key benefits?


With support  from your organization  Friend of Usambara will integrated with several beneficiaries as indicated above on the table as it is well described  and demonstrates   how the project in integrate with Kwembago Village as well as Magamba nature reserve department . FoU would serve more than 500 poor peasants in various hamlets in the village. Major activities that will be performed by the FoU include, Facilitate tree planting on public land as well as in protected areas; Facilitate soil and water management practises; Supervision of implementation process  Participatory planning  and Transportation for material and distribution to the village

What are the proposal’s costs?




1;1,1Organize village  sensitization meetings to community women leaders on the business management,  Identify community  and training banks  for the women in the Village, Demarcate and plant tree seedlings around house hold, Establish tree nurseries, in the village, and Organize a hand-on training of tree raising, planting and maintenance  2794.00

2: 2,1 Procure and distribute high quality banana suckers, Procure and distribute macadamia seedlings,  and Organize a practical training on business management 3,231.00 USD

2:3,1: Train villagers on the construction of energy serving stoves and Costs for participatory monitoring activities 1,530.00 USD     

4;Capital for Community bank;2,445.00 USD

GRAND TOTAL ;10,000.00 USD

Time line


1; Demarcate and plant tree seedlings around water sources:

September  2013

2; Procure and distribute high quality banana suckers;

November 2013

3;Procure and distribute macadamia seedlings;

August 2013

4;Train villagers on the construction of energy serving stoves;

September 2013

5; Costs for participatory monitoring activities January 2014

Related proposals




Mr Francis Thomas Shemkunde

Development community banks Specialist

Box 151


Mobile: +255 683 096320/ 0714706320