Local solutions 2013
Climate change is a global problem that requires a global solution, but local communities have the power to take action into their own hands today and tackle climate change from the bottom up. This contest seeks proposals on what can be done at the local level to address climate change. See more...
A replicable grassroots education teaching the skills and mindset for local resilience, powered by new and viable economic models
Launch an international movement to shift thinking around climate change and enable neighbourhoods to track and reduce GHG emissions.
Our model stops people from burning waste, generate electricity and better quality of life. It is proven, scalable, profitable, and low risk
To reinvent our cities from the bottom up to create deep carbon reduction, disaster resilient neighborhoods, and green economic development.
The Pitch of the project is to make contribution in sustainable conservation and management of Usambara mountains and Jegetal water source
Campus farms have the untapped potential to be living-learning laboratories for building skills in leadership & sustainable food practices.
Start with the poorest people first: reduce black carbon through efficient cookstoves and slow local/global climate change in a month or so.
Lose 10% of your carbon footprint in 8 weeks while being part of a fun social group in your local community.
In a local loop of smart use for green energy, waste fryer oil from restaurants and hotels become liquid soaps, detergents, candles & more.
Individuals, companies and cities can take action on climate change and save money doing it.
Open, community sensing and a first person narrative could be an workable alternative for conventional emission reduction initiatives
What if someone said to you... In one year all the bees on earth will be gone... Scary? It should be.
Is there a way to prevent this ?
Display statistics on consumer patterns in a presentation that encourages action on the viewers part. Turn it into a movement.
Going Vegan helps fight climate change, deforestation, water degradation, ocean pollution, extinctions, and much more.
Planting wild flowers along roadways would provide more food for honeybees increasing their chances for survival.
Green roof projects that can be easily created from recycled materials and easily installed on a wide variety of surfaces.
Bioremediation of heavy metals with hyper-accumulator plants grown in several different types of Brownfield sites in Malaysia.
With basic mushroom cultivation, agricultural and urban waste products become sources of food, medicine, and environmental healing.
Green Farmers Rural Radio is a major initiative that will benefit the rural poor farmers living in rural and isolated communities
Organizing local growers and cottage industry online we can re-localize our food system and reduce the amount of CO2 needed to produce food.
Crowdfunding solar panel/inverter kits for schools at risk from the impacts of climate change & extreme weather.
Anywhere a golf course exists in the world, a food forest awaits. Bring the community together by converting one fairway to food!
Nationwide energy saving reward schemes will permanently change our energy consumption habits and make climate change reduction possible.
I hope we can link up with other like minded people in other countries of Earth.
Local currencies support community resiliency and can be used to implement climate-friendly projects
It is no secret that the Earth has spiraled out of control . The only option now is global protections and how to implement them.
Using beekeeping as a catalyst to encourage businesses to be more environmentally responsible & their reduce carbon emissions
Pitch of the project is to make contribution in sustainable conservation and management of Magamba nature reserve.
The pitch of the project is to make contribution in sustainable conservation and management of the Magamba nature reserve.
Plant at least three trees per house.
Terragon the Co-creation game helps local stakeholders create together solutions for a sustainable and low carbon future.
Encourage consumers to switch to electric mowers and/or replace lawns with vegetable gardens.
Eliminate vampire power (power consumed by appliances that are nominally "off", by inserting a switch between the outlet and the appliance.
This project aims to increase communication between people, & contribute to a positive change in the environment in various creative ways.
The Rio de Janeiro Low Carbon City Development Program - A Business Model for Green and Climate-Friendly Growth in Cities. More soon...