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Cynthia Teague

Cynthia Teague


Screen NamesolarcookersActivities13
Member SinceAug 17, 2017CoLab Points (actual)
CountryUnited StatesCoLab Points (max. potential)

   I am a professional with a BA and MA in Organization Communications who donates my time to Solar Cookers International, (SCI). SCI exists to promote solar thermal cooking technologies for cooking and water pasteurization where people and environments are in great need. Solar thermal technologies convert solar energy into heat, which can be used immediately for important basic human needs like cooking and making water safe to drink. 

   Solar thermal energy technologies provide energy access that improve health and spare the environment. For the 1 – 3 billion people who live in the world’s poorest, most remote and environmentally degraded regions, solar thermal is the best alternative to centralized, or sophisticated and expensive, energy technologies. Solar cooking preserves the environment by removing CO2, prevents deforestation and protects women and children who no longer need to forage for fuel. 

   Our constituents are people who earn less than $2 per day paying proportionately higher costs for household energy to cook food and make their water safe to drink. Lack of access to renewable, sustainable energy for these basic tasks keeps them in the grip of the cycle of poverty.  For people to choose solar as an alternative to their energy challenges, they need to know about solar cooking, and be able to get a solar cooking in their region. We believe in providing key linkages, information resources, educational materials, and leading international advocacy efforts to grow a worldwide solar cooking movement. SCI leads and convenes more than 400 solar cooking partners in 133 countries. SCI drives a solar thermal cooker quality certification, and supports innovative and effective field project design, key ingredients to build the capacity of the global solar cooking sector.

   Our special consultative status at the United Nations allows SCI to speak with one voice for the global solar cooking sector. for more information visit our website:


Scaling the Capacity for Testing and Reporting Solar Cooker PerformanceAug 17, 2017

Proposal Links

HELIAC Solar Cooker - Inexpensive, But EfficientNov 26, 2017


Scaling the Capacity for Testing and Reporting Solar Cooker PerformanceNov 2, 2017


Cynthia Teague is supporting proposal Scaling the Capacity for Testing and Reporting Solar Cooker PerformanceNov 2, 2017
Cynthia Teague added a comment to proposal Scaling the Capacity for Testing and Reporting Solar Cooker PerformanceSep 7, 2017
Cynthia Teague updated a proposal Scaling the Capacity for Testing and Reporting Solar Cooker PerformanceAug 23, 2017
Tom Liptay updated a proposal Climate Forecasting TournamentAug 22, 2017
Cynthia Teague added a comment to proposal Scaling the Capacity for Testing and Reporting Solar Cooker PerformanceAug 21, 2017
Cynthia Teague updated a proposal Scaling the Capacity for Testing and Reporting Solar Cooker PerformanceAug 21, 2017
Cynthia Teague updated a proposal Scaling the Capacity for Testing and Reporting Solar Cooker PerformanceAug 17, 2017
Cynthia Teague created a Proposal Scaling the Capacity for Testing and Reporting Solar Cooker PerformanceAug 17, 2017
Cynthia Teague joined the Climate CoLab communityAug 17, 2017