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Tommy Barlow

Tommy Barlow


Screen NametommybarlowActivities1,063
Member SinceMar 3, 2016CoLab Points (actual)
CountryUnited StatesCoLab Points (max. potential)

1. Professor, art. design, digital art, art history - Champlain College, Vermont, U.S.A.
2. Sustainable Builder.

Please Note: We need a shift in how we think about experience in comprehending the total problem:
A climate-scientist is inexperienced in neuroscience. A neuroscientist is not a good environmental scientist, a physicist may not be a good climate-scientist, a climate-scientist will not be solid as a philosopher of science, an engineer, or psychologist, not so good at philosophy, or science of ecosystems, a social scientist inexperienced in physics or climate-scienceAfter the Renaissance, art and sciences were divisioned into over-specialization and that over-specialization has resulted in the problems we have today.

Even within one field, the field of physics alone, this problem exists:
"There are very few people who properly understand both sides. So, they are either on the quantum side and understand that very well, or they are on the general relativity side and they understand that very well."
— “Roger Penrose on black holes” — BBC Radio interview - ‘The Life Scientific’ - 22 Nov. 2016.

Now extend that incoherence across disciplines to the field of science as a whole.

Therefore, a broad range and experience can have comprehension of the whole. No offense to anyone, just logical, that scientists are in danger of making the problems worse, because they are experts in over-specialization, not usually well-practiced in total comprehension.  

Some of this experience below, may not seem significant (eg. as a child or as an artist), but experience tells me, that for many people, relatively new to climate understanding - or even experts in an aspect of climate science - that in this context, these points are important to note, for full understanding. This is not a job application :-)
My proposal is an offer to intelligent people.

A life leading up to this point:

  • 12 years old, 1973, I joined the World Wildlife Fund and RSPB. Since then, 50% of animals have disappeared on Earth.
  • Strong background in deep concepts of physics: I studied cosmology and physics concepts in-depth, from 12 years-old onwards, watching college-level lectures and demonstrations in physics, astronomical science, cosmology, geo-physics, etc. on Open University TV in the UK in the 1970s, and studying the hard concepts of physics at an age most (budding) physicists have no idea of the cutting-edge details of physics. Therefore, hard-concepts of physics and perception have been part of my life, and nothing new or difficult has arisen. Most climate-scientists (and physicists) cannot say this. The point to understand is that if you start young, you see more, at an earlier age.
  • Having studied it in depth in cosmology (eg. Venus), I understood global warming at 14 in the early 1970s, long before that term was widely applied to this planet.

Environmental Solutions Lifetime:
- submerged in Philosophy, and Philosophy of Science, Art and activism:

  • 1981 - I quit a viable solid career path, working in a worldwide mega-bank, and went to art school instead, because I could clearly see that humanity was going in a dangerous direction on many levels, so I sought another path.
  • In the 1980s I was active against pollution, and for renewable energy, 2 letters read out on national BBC radio, UK., on the topic.
  • In 1982, I designed kinetic sculptures that would move by way of solar and wind power, and would change, follow the sun, moon, and other natural cycles.
  • Graduated 1st class honors (summa cum laude equivalent) - Fine Art - Sculpture, Winchester School of Art & Design, U.K. - 1985.
    In 1986, I painted this painting called "Humble Thyself Oh Man", all about the need for humans to attune with nature -->
    All my art, which is my career, for 4 decades has been about the need for man to attune with nature. Here are some - 4 decades on this topic --->
  • MA-SCI (Philosophy, Philosophy of Science) - Maharishi International University, Fairfield, Iowa, USA - 1992.
  • In 1992, I stood as a candidate in UK national General Election for a political party that advocated organic farming, alternative energy, and scientifically validated methods for creating peace.
  • MA - Fine Art - painting - Maharishi International University, Fairfield, Iowa, USA - 1995.
  • MFA - Fine Art - sculpture - Maharishi University of Management (M.U.M.), Fairfield, Iowa, USA - 1997 - the first university in the world to build a significant off-the-grid, energy generating operational building. See here —> . M.U.M. has the most advanced and one of the largest sustainable living undergraduate cohort in the world.
  • In 1996 I was the main researcher & author on the website "Students for Alternatives to Genetic Engineering" (S.A.G.E.) some of which predicted the pollution problems of today very precisely.
  • MA - Teaching - Maharishi University of Management (M.U.M), Fairfield, Iowa, USA - Yr. 2000.
    The word "Management" in "M.U.M", means management of the whole of life, from deepest inner consciousness, to furthest outer environment. The whole of life.
  • I have worked on dozens of sustainable buildings, and off-the-grid buildings over 2 decades.


Human Evolution.May 18, 2016
Syphon heat to space. Conduct cold to ground.Jun 11, 2017

Proposal Links

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Cool Earth CapitalMar 13, 2016


Tommy Barlow updated a proposal Syphon heat to space. Conduct cold to ground.Jun 25, 2017
Tommy Barlow updated a proposal Syphon heat to space. Conduct cold to ground.Jun 13, 2017
Tommy Barlow updated a proposal Syphon heat to space. Conduct cold to ground.Jun 12, 2017
Tommy Barlow updated a proposal Syphon heat to space. Conduct cold to ground.Jun 11, 2017
Tommy Barlow created a Proposal Syphon heat to space. Conduct cold to ground.Jun 11, 2017
Tommy Barlow started a new discussion Transfer proposal? in Report bugs and request featuresSep 24, 2016
Tommy Barlow updated a proposal Human Evolution.May 23, 2016