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Member Profile

Amaa Abankwe

Amaa Abankwe


Screen NameamaaActivities28
Member SinceAug 13, 2015CoLab Points (actual)
CountryGhanaCoLab Points (max. potential)


Amaa has not yet contributed to any Proposals.

Proposal Links

There are no Proposal linking to this member's Proposal yet.


GHG Rescue; Buying Waste from Households and selling it to Recycle CompaniesAug 13, 2015
Sand Dams for Climate Change Adaptation in GhanaAug 13, 2015


Amaa Abankwe voted for proposal Sand Dams for Climate Change Adaptation in GhanaAug 13, 2015
Amaa Abankwe retracted vote for proposal Sand Dams for Climate Change Adaptation in GhanaAug 13, 2015
Amaa Abankwe voted for proposal GHG Rescue; Buying Waste from Households and selling it to Recycle CompaniesAug 13, 2015
Amaa Abankwe retracted vote for proposal GHG Rescue; Buying Waste from Households and selling it to Recycle CompaniesAug 13, 2015
Amaa Abankwe is supporting proposal GHG Rescue; Buying Waste from Households and selling it to Recycle CompaniesAug 13, 2015
Amaa Abankwe is supporting proposal Sand Dams for Climate Change Adaptation in GhanaAug 13, 2015
Amaa Abankwe voted for proposal District Level Electricity Production; Using Household BiogasAug 13, 2015
Amaa Abankwe retracted vote for proposal District Level Electricity Production; Using Household BiogasAug 13, 2015
Amaa Abankwe joined the Climate CoLab communityAug 13, 2015