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Member Profile

Arun Nanda

Arun Nanda


Screen NamearunnandaActivities7
Member SinceMar 25, 2015CoLab Points (actual)
CountryIndiaCoLab Points (max. potential)



Protecting the building blocks of a society against climatic changes.Mar 10, 2018

Proposal Links

There are no Proposal linking to this member's Proposal yet.


Agricultural insurances against floods risk on plantain producing communitiesFeb 16, 2018
Mangrove conservation through ambiental education applied to the childhoodFeb 16, 2018
Protecting the building blocks of a society against climatic changes.Mar 14, 2018


Arun Nanda added a comment to proposal Protecting the building blocks of a society against climatic changes.Apr 23, 2018
Arun Nanda added a comment to proposal Protecting the building blocks of a society against climatic changes.Mar 14, 2018
Arun Nanda is supporting proposal Protecting the building blocks of a society against climatic changes.Mar 14, 2018
Arun Nanda became a team member of proposal Protecting the building blocks of a society against climatic changes.Mar 12, 2018
Arun Nanda is supporting proposal Mangrove conservation through ambiental education applied to the childhoodFeb 16, 2018
Arun Nanda is supporting proposal Agricultural insurances against floods risk on plantain producing communitiesFeb 16, 2018
Arun Nanda joined the Climate CoLab communityMar 25, 2015