Community Discussions
Brainstorming a civil society topic
Paul Emile Anders Nov 11, 2013 11:13 ![]() |
11 November 2013
(Note. The thematic area for the following might fit in the civil-society niche.)
TWINS PROBLEM. I need feedback about a proposal to develop the conceptual framework for an organization with the twin goal of dealing with climate change and militarism.
It seems that two prominent challenges for nation states can be dealt with by nonviolent action: climate disruption from greenhouse gases and military invasion. Some of the same nonviolent actions that can be used to defend against military aggression could also perhaps be used to guide nations like the United States to reduce emission of greenhouse gases.
Greenhouse gas production is an ongoing phenomenon, compared to which invasion and coups d’état are infrequent. Member states could keep nonviolent action skills sharp with actions to encourage big GHG producers like the USA and China to mitigate their production.
Feed back please! For example:
Which individuals, organizations, and governments might want to pursue this? (How about you?)
Is nonviolent action a suitable strategy to deal with the twins problems?
What would be a good name for for an organization to promote a suitable stategy? The Gemini Answer Now?
The Gemini Answer Forward?
Answering the Twins?
Other possibilities?
The Thoreau League?
The Nonviolent Action for Climate & Defense League (The NACDL League)?
About Paul Emile Anders: formerly researcher, Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies; research director, Council for a Livable World; executive director, Civilian-based Defense Association
Stephan Link Nov 12, 2013 02:08 ![]() |
Hi panders,
Sounds interesting! The best way to get feedback is in our 2014 Proposal Workspace:
Here, you’ll be able to welcome people to support and share your proposal, as well as comment on it and help you to develop it further. When we release the 2014 round of Climate CoLab contests, you will be able to move your proposals from the workspace to any relevant contest.
I'd propose you enter your proposal there as well!
Stephan Link
MIT Climate CoLab
Pia Jensen Nov 12, 2013 03:02 ![]() |
That is great advice - Paul and I were thinking we could get the ball rolling here by finding team mates through this forum - and we will, of course, put the concept into the workspace :)
Monika Dos Santos Nov 14, 2013 05:50 ![]() |
I'm with you Emile & Pia, and thank you for the consideration. You can also email me.
Monika Dos Santos Nov 14, 2013 06:41 ![]() |
Sorry I meant Paul (I know Emile is your second name!!) M
Tom Morris May 8, 2014 10:35 ![]() |
the only problem i have with anti-milatarism efforts is that they are effective only is disarming reasonable societies. North korea for instance is a country of lunatics by any reasonable standard and protest would have no impact at all on there desire to arm themselves.