Pia Jensen Sep 9, 2017 10:00 ![]() | Proposal contributor Google Translation: "Summary |
Pia Jensen Sep 9, 2017 12:29 ![]() | Proposal contributor above comment was to translate from Spanish, Danilo's proposal, and is now completed and evident in the project description. |
Danilo Da Rosa Sep 9, 2017 12:19 ![]() | Proposal contributor Thanks ¨Pia! |
Ridwan D. Rusli Sep 29, 2017 03:48 ![]() | Sorry Pia and Danilo, for this delayed response. Although too late, i assume you'll still try this idea, whatever the outcome of the contest? if i unterstand your idea correctly, the software will help more effective design-work, presumable integrating carbon-capture efficacy and design parameters with implementability (and economic efficiency/feasibility?) criteria in a way of a "concurrent engineering" concept? if so, the question arises about the target audience: are you aiming for the group of people who are already interested or even already actively design and implement such permaculturegardens/spaces? If the answer is yes, what you aim for should not only be to motivate this subgroup more, but also to expand this group? Do you have any strategy to recruit more such interested people? As to the strategy of designing the software, ( you may have already thought about this yourself..,), you could also think of inducing a network effect, eg by way of a contest, whereby various people could start a kind of a collective crowd-design effort, or join a design-then-plant&build race, etc etc. Combined with an appropriate info dissemination campaign this could even help get other people interested into the permaculture movement? |
Pia Jensen Sep 29, 2017 03:22 ![]() | Proposal contributor Great comments, suggestions and questions, Ridwan, Thank You. Yes yes and yes! "the software will help more effective design-work, presumable integrating carbon-capture efficacy and design parameters with implementability (and economic efficiency/feasibility?) criteria in a way of a "concurrent engineering" concept?" Permaculture uses techniques that not only capture carbon, but improves plants' abilities to protect from insects; involves easy to implement and affordable practices; and this particular project is meant to create cooperative design efforts - permaculture exists on most,if not all continents, so there are many different environmental conditions requiring different solutions and practices. Our target audience is both current permaculture practitioners and people who want to learn about permaculture. Danilo and his partner Dahiana have embarked on an educational journey in Salto - teaching youth in schools about Agroecología (permaculture aligned and infused, but deeper, culturally). In fact, yesterday was the first of a series of radio shows to educate the broader community about permaculture - Permacultura Radio Uruguay Salto 28/09/2017 https://soundcloud.com/daniloide/permacultura-radio-uruguay-salto-20170928. The radio show is the result of actions that the newly formed group, Agroecología Salto, is taking to broaden local awareness and help people transform their yards. Our strategy is to reach out to those who use traditional methods of growing food and plants, to raise awareness and invite people to become part of the permaculture culture. People here are very receptive to ideas and practices that improve the quality of not only their food, but their environment. Many people here are aware of the heavy use of pesticides on food crops and permaculture represents a solution to improve health. Your idea of the contest is terrific, and, we could also participate in other contests like Hackaday. I like the crowd design effort, and, Danilo and Dahiana are part of a network of folks who get together for bio-construction and permaculture projects in the community - the concept is understood here and I think it could flourish among software designers also. Permaculture is becoming more mainstream as people seek alternatives to big ag practices. Your comments are inspiring!
Pia Jensen Oct 6, 2017 12:07 ![]() | Proposal contributor Permaculture Magazine founders: The 25 Year Permaculture Adventure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdm3ycEQrSY
Pia Jensen Oct 17, 2017 01:52 ![]() | Proposal contributor Not directly related, but interesting and possibly some application to this project On thunkable.com, anyone can build their own mobile apps without knowing how to code. This summer, we hosted our first ever international app building challenge for high school students! https://blog.thunkable.com/winners-of-the-2017-high-school-app-building-challenge-24a7555ca441 |
Caroline Liu Nov 26, 2017 11:21 ![]() | Thank you for submitting your contest proposal. A Climate CoLab Impact Assessment Fellow who specializes in Land Use has conducted an impact assessment of your proposal which you can find under the “IMPACT” tab. Please review the documentation and model parameters. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact Ciniro Costa Junior at ciniro.junior.
Pia Jensen Nov 26, 2017 02:38 ![]() | Proposal contributor Thank you for the notice, Caroline. |
Steve Steiner Dec 6, 2017 10:01 ![]() | Nothing in the "Impact" tab, far as I can see. S |
Pia Jensen Dec 6, 2017 10:13 ![]() | Proposal contributor Yes, apparently 'officials' don't understand the domino effects of technology - when more people learn climate positive practices and plant more trees, sequester carbon through permaculture practices, and capture and sink water there will be reductions in ghg, loss of topsoil will stop and be mitigated, and shading of the land will occur, helping to cool the local environs. It's silly that no impacts are accounted for in the impact assessment. |
Ciniro Costa Junior Dec 7, 2017 10:45 ![]() | The reason there is nothing in impact is because your proposal has no implementation plan in fact. Developing a software is suppose to support and help others to implement. Therefore, I was not able to evaluate an impact of such a project, like I did in others. Your contest is great, but need to be more structured, such as detailing how many hectares of permaculture is your software targeting, providing evidence on GHG emission reduction, and try to link your software to a "real" permaculture implementation. Hope you can develop more your idea - no doubt the world needs to improve its food quality and access among other aspects. |
Pia Jensen Dec 7, 2017 12:14 ![]() | Proposal contributor Thank you for the feedback - it's good to know the weaknesses - perhaps, in the future, impact assessments will be accompanied by reasoning for assessment results. :) |
Ciniro Costa Junior Dec 8, 2017 08:57 ![]() | Dear Pia Jensen I do not really there is a weakness in your contest - I might be in the sense when we compare overall contests objectives/focus/etc - they, in fact, do not fit in the same category I´d say. Evaluating the impact of a local/regional contest and the impact of a software are completely different and can be highly unfair - the latest takes much more time and resources to evaluate and the impact may be unimaginable - it might change the world: for bad and for good (as yours!). All process are subjected to improvements and I think next contests areas/evaluations, perhaps, should be remodeled to better understand and evaluate more broadly impacting contests. |