Innovative development pathway to optimize the multidimensional wellbeing of human and nature is critical need of present world
Policy direction
Alley with local and global environmental political trends and opportunities
Address the multidimensional human wellbeing to synergy with ecological wellbeing
Strengthening in holistic development based on spiritual and material life
Revive traditional wisdom as a green development tool.
Control the consumerism through inspirable total education
Investment for education for change
Sustainable degrowth of development
Circular economy
Minimum negative impact development process
High efficiency of resources
Innovation and knowledge management
Initiate community-based and cooperate based ecosystem service and disservice accounting system
Development of information platform on ecosystem services and natural capital
Internalize positive and negative externalities of livelihoods in to agriculture development process.
Initiate Community based accounting and cooperate environmental account system for ecosystem services and disservice
Cooperate environmental account system
Establish mechanism for compensation for Ecosystem Services
Establish alternative certification System for ecosystem services based green business
New market mechanism for development of market setup for ecosystem services
Ecosystem approach based research, development and education program.
New Institutions setups for Ecosystem service based development
Innovative Climate Information Communication for Adaptation
Collabotarive Local Actions for Climatechange Education - CLACE
Climate-Smart Governments in Brazil
What actions do you propose?
Development of information platform on ecosystem services and natural capital
This information platform should be consisted with,Ecosystem capital account,Guideline for application of ecosystem services valuation techniques,Technical manual, protocols and valuation tool kits (Like TESSA) of different adopted and appropriate valuation techniques,Electronic platform to provide ecosystem capital values, support for data analysis and simulation modeling,Information of local and international expert and resource person in the sector, Information of relevant case studies, Information of literature including website, book, paper articles. Atlas of ecosystem services of particular ecosystems and livelihoods on agrological zone level and market information of ecosystem service trade
Internalize positive and negative externalities of livelihoods in to agriculture development process.
This action is help to encourage eco and social friendly livelihoods and other hand to restrict the livelihoods with possible negative impact to nature and human. This is critical requirement in Sri Lankan context because we have facing many negative impact such as increasing incommunicable diseases like chronicle kidney diseases, water pollution, air pollution, soil degradation and so many others. This aspect is the highly related with political ecology of the country therefore it should be done with holistic approach respecting all possible native and positive outcome could be effect natural, social and political environment. Some best practice recognize by the international communities will impotent to ensure the performances of this process. Flowing best practices were recognize by development specialist that can apply universally.
Community based and cooperate based ecosystem service and environmental cost accounting are two new emerging strategies popularize in the sustainable development sector. Economic unit based environment account system provide the essential basic information for implement the internalizing process and this in formations are make formalize the process.
Initiate Community based accounting and cooperate environmental account system for ecosystem services and disservice
Community based accounting
Work on an alternative system of a community-based economic accounting system is well underway in the Philippines. This system takes the household and the community as the primary units of analysis and aggregation. The economic performance of firms would be addressed in subsidiary accounts that reflect their contributions to the community and those who reside in it. This approach represents an important step toward a practice of sustainability derived from the theory of sustainability outlined earlier.
In this system the community unit defines both a citizenry and a habitat with definable characteristics of land, water, soil cover, vegetation, marine resources, and mineral resources. The citizens are classified by characteristics such as age, gender, occupation, education, and income levels. Each household is defined in terms of its bundle of economic needs, which the system compares with actual consumption.
The community balance sheet includes its natural resource as assets. Production processes, such as in agriculture, forestry, mining, fisheries, trade, services, create flows between asset or stock
accounts, sectors, factors of production, and households or consumers. This provides the basis for a community-based double-entry accounting system.
Cooperate environmental account
There are flowing key fundamental relationships with ecosystem services versus business or livelihoods.
- Business impacts on ecosystems and ecosystem services.
- Business depends on ecosystems and ecosystem services(Guide to cooperate ecosystem valuation)
- Ecosystem change creates business risks and opportunities.
Cooperate ecosystem service account is tan important strategy to implement internalizing process. It include some policy intervention such as,
1. Setting incentives for the eco-friendly business activates apply by companies currently.
- .Harmonization of data collection and valuation methods by providing existing data to apply their accounting purposes.
- Encourage and standardize corporate reporting Sustainability reporting.
- Direct the company for account ecosystem services and environmental cost of their business activities. Accounting is long-term goal of current efforts should also be to integrate natural capital in corporate accounting. Accounting is based on rules and principles, which have yet to be defined and adapted for natural capital. To achieve this, a process of coordination and standardization is necessary.
- Action towards the consumers on natural capital accounting will affect the behavior of consumers. As a result of this study has clearly reveal consumers are highly concern on ecological footprint of the products what they consume.
Initiate Traditional wisdom incorporated national development initiatives.
Flowing action suggests here related tradition knowledge and traditional ecological knowledge.
- Implementation of island wide programme for collection of still available traditional knowledge among the knowledge holders, libraries etc.
- Initiation of formal and community education progamme related to traditional knowledge. Establishment of systematic comprehensive training programme to improve the knowledge and skills on traditional knowledge of different segment of people.
- Establishment of a virtual e-bank on behalf of collection and dissemination of indigenous knowledge and technologies.
- Consideration should be given to establishing a network of national indigenous knowledge documentation centers.
- Development of sufficient laws and regulation to secure the traditional knowledge.
- Enhance the sustainability, efficiency and efficacy of future development initiatives (especially related to agriculture, environment, health, community development sectors) supporting with indigenous wisdom. Develop common protocol for incorporation of traditional knowledge in to such development and policy decisions if different sectors and include and respect suggestions of subject specialist related to traditional knowledge for development decision making.
Establishment of mechanism for compensation for Ecosystem Services
Another, more direct method to secure both ecosystem services and farmer liveli•hoods is via Payments or Compensation for Ecosystem Services (PES) which pro•vides payments from the beneficiaries directly to the land holders (Engel et al. 2008). Thus, in the development of a sustainable PES system, it is essential that local stakeholders are involved and that restoration practices are also linked to farmer livelihoods (Rosa et al. 2004).
This policy option describe based on the following factors that must be concern in designing policies for PES transaction.
Establish alternative certification System for ecosystem services based green business
Meeting this challenge for new certification system involves a combination of community organization, support from state agencies and, in the case of certifications, non-profit investment in order to meet standards and improve the capacity of the certification industry (Bacon et al. 2008).Thus, state, universities, certification agencies and socially responsible firms could be involved with farmers to contribute to building alternative cooperative models and participatory certification initiatives that more effectively deliver benefits to both coffee drinkers and coffee- growing regions (Jaffe and Bacon 2008).
Requirement of alternative certification system is emphasize through above facts. FGP standards based alternative certification system would be able to address provision for ecosystem service as well other social, economical, ecological and spiritual aspects in forest garden and other farming livelihoods.
Pilot ecosystem service certification projects should focus on developing broad criteria for environmental and social sustainability, with the requirement that enough criteria are in place to satisfy the monitoring requirements of buyers regarding the quality and quantity of delivered ecosystem services.
New certification system should include specific limit of different ecosystem services as mandatory standards. Cultural and spiritual based criteria also should be equally respect in new certification system it will cause to revitalize the traditional environmentally and socially sound cultural and spiritual value. Spiritual and culture based criteria should be include as voluntary
standards. But certification process should direct the farmer to practice those cultural and spiritual aspects through the appreciation rather than enforcement. Special credit or rating method can be applied for voluntary criteria and it should clearly distinguish in labeling process. Same weight should put the cultural and spiritual standards in the case of promotion of the new certification system among the consumers.
Holistic benefit index is a new idea that I would like to purpose here for apply for certification system to evaluate the performance of particular human-ecological unit. It’s should include economic, social, environmental, cultural and spiritual related criteria meaningful manner. This kind of index is suitable Sri Lankan context considering with socio- cultural and spiritual identity in our country.
New market mechanism for development of market setup for ecosystem services and human friendly agricultural products
Sustainable business agendas
Greene economy as part of the transition to more sustainable economic models (UNEP 2010; WBCSD 2010). Green economy concepts link economic growth with environmental sustainability and advocate substantially increased investments in economic sectors that build on and enhance the Earth’s natural capital or reduce ecological scarcities and environmental risks. Priority areas for investment include sustainable agriculture and forest management, and sustainable fisheries.
Sustainable lifestyles and consumption Patterns
Sustainable lifestyles are ways of living that allow people to meet their personal needs and aspirations, while allowing current and future generations to do the same. Meeting our individual needs and desires within the limits of available resource is collective challenge. This means, among other things, minimizing natural resource consumption and emissions of waste and pollutants. Since lifestyles reflect the specific cultural, natural, economic and social heritage of each society, more sustainable options to live our lives will not only depend on people’s personal needs and desires but also on their specific environments (Mont 2007).
New Institutions setups for Ecosystem service based development
New institution setup also important need for the development of the sector. Lack of formal instruction setup is the act as the critical barrier for the improvement of the sector.
Several scholars have tried to identify a set of design principles characterizing successful and enduring institutions for natural resource management (Agrawal, 2002; Baland and Platteau, 1996; Ostrom, 1990). As summarized by Dolsak and Ostrom (2003), these principles include: 1) rules are devised and managed by resource users; 2) compliance with rules is easy to monitor; 3) rules are enforceable; 4) sanctions are graduated; 5) adjudication is available at low cost; 6) monitors and other officials are accountable to users; 7) institutions are devised at multiple levels; and 8) procedures exist for revising rules
New intuition I would like to name as “national institution for green development” further it will refer as “institution” .this institution is autonomous body up to some extend relatively formal conventional government institutions. This institution will be central main government body that implement green development mechanism in the country.
Who will take these actions and which types of actors are involved?
Contribution of Government sector
- Initiation and co-implementation of the project .
- Help find the contract farmers and organize them.
- Advocacy service for ongoing issues of the project.
- Coo-financing for the project.
- Institutional support for the private sector.
- Advocacy service for ongoing issues of the project.
- Direct funding for the farmers.
- Project monitoring
Contribution Green technology forum
Coo-financing for the project.
- Coo-implementation project
- Advocacy service for ongoing issues of the project.
- Project monitoring evaluation and redirecting.
- Project management of
- Advocacy service for ongoing issues of the project.
Where will these actions be taken and how could they scale?
Initially project will implement in Sri Lanka. After that it will be able to expand countries with rich natural capital.
In addition, specify the countries where these actions will be taken.
Country 2
Country 3
Country 4
Country 5
What impact will these actions have on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and/or adapting to climate change?
Is this project will apply, percapita emission will be able to reduce more than half of current emission and sequestered carbon pool will double compare with current quaintly .
What are the most innovative aspects and main strengths of this approach?
Development of information platform on ecosystem services and natural capital
Initiate Community based accounting and cooperate environmental account system for ecosystem services and disservice
Establish alternative certification System for ecosystem services based green business
New market mechanism for development of market setup for ecosystem services and human friendly agricultural products
New Institutions setups for Ecosystem service based development
What are the proposal’s projected costs?
Any significant cost can not identify compare with the benefit of the project.
About the Authors
Author of the this project is K.G.jayantha Pushpakumar ahd he is Graduate in Agriculture special. He was Former president association of natural resources conservation faculty of agriculture university of Ruhuna. He has more than 11 years hands own experiencers and professional qualification in organic agriculture, Ecosystem services, ecotourism, indigenous agriculture, consumer education , forest restoration and, participatory research and community development.
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