Development Community Integration for Resource Efficiency by CRI Council
Nature does not waste. Why do we? To solve the complex issue of resource and waste management issues, change the lens and start with why?
Two years ago already, the Global Construction 2025 Report by Oxford Economics forecasted that the volume of construction output would grow by more than 70% to $15 trillion worldwide by 2025. China, US, India, Indonesia, Russia, Canada and Mexico alone will account for 72 per cent of the expected construction meteoric growth.
Unfortunately, in spite of all the efforts, the construction and engineering sector continues to fail at meeting corporate social and sustainable responsibility and meeting their code of ethics. And given that the development of the built environment consumes more resources and produces more waste than any other sector, business as usual must simply be made unacceptable in Post 2015 agenda.
But the big question is: Can all the development and management organizations come together to address the root cause of the inefficiencies in the construction sector and primary interactive stakeholders, to generate a more constructive than destructive operating system.
Today, we have all that is needed to virtually eliminate the concept of construction waste, and deal with operations and maintenance streams, responsibly in situ. Further, there are more tools available than most are aware of. The missing element however has been the leadership for a universal change management strategy and plan.
The first CRI Council initiative, Mission 2030 (winning proposal of the Climate Colab 2013 People Choice for the Waste Management) was a global Call-to-Action to eliminate construction, renovation and demolition.
Now, to ensure the success of Mission 2030; the United Nations Environment Agencyl Post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals and other aligned initiative, we need to integrate widely and deeply. For integration has has in the past change the course of history and continues to do so in socioeconomic development, waste management, health care, automotive etc..
Category of the action
Reducing emissions from waste management
What actions do you propose?
Integrative work models, when well executed and even more so when combined with 'Lean' principles, gets to what matters most towards the sustainable development goals, because it provides means and motivation. It maximizes synergies and opportunities, whilst minimizing trade offs, risks and costs.
It is pragmatic and fosters motivational support information and voluntary actions; or fiscal instruments and incentives. It also has a knowledge and action based leadership team well informed on critical interventions such as regulatory and control mechanisms, economic or market-based instruments. But more importantly, it is transformative because participants get to know:
- WHY they need to engage in the change process
- HOW to co-create change initiatives
- What specifically will enable them to take the first few steps
By addressing construction resource efficiency in a more general and integrated approach, we will create the greatest socioeconomic change since imaginable and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to pre-industrial levels.
Who will take these actions?
Community of place. interest and profession leaders, especially those in development
Municipal Governments
Provincial Governments
Federal Governments
Social Development Specialists
Where will these actions be taken?
Short Lived Climate Pollutants - more on this to follow
What are other key benefits?
Benefits: Work more efficiently - maximizing customer value while minimizing costs, risks and trade-offs
Sustainable initiative
Challenges: The sheer magnitude of the construction industry and thereby the plan costs.
How much will emissions be reduced or sequestered vs. business as usual levels?
What are the proposal’s costs?
Time line
Plan - Roadmap Review and approval
Declaration Press Conference
Integration Protocol
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