Tanmay Patil May 21, 2016 02:00 ![]() | Nice idea great thought...!! |
Sachin Bhardwaj May 21, 2016 02:12 ![]() | Good idea...prposal has got potential. As a matter of fact many vigilant institutions in India are trying to become energy self reliant. These institutions would love to adopt this "Energy Partner" approach.A change in attitude of student would be of great help towards climate.
Wish u all the very best for this cause. |
Anirudh Bhardwaj May 22, 2016 02:53 ![]() | Proposal contributor Thanks @tanmaypatil and bhardwajsachin526. It's a delight to read your reviews regarding the proposal. We would love to hear any suggestions, feedback, or any of your queriesregarding the proposal so as to create a better understanding and making the proposal better and effective ! Thanks to all the support ! |
Hemavati Hosmani May 23, 2016 01:03 ![]() | Hello!! I completely support you in this task. Your idea of involving the youth in these activities is bang on. They are active and all coming together for a bigger cause will only make the nation prosper. Good Luck!!! |
Sanjay Singh May 23, 2016 05:08 ![]() | awareness is the first step towards acceptability. And acceptability will bring change in attitude. We support you. Good luck! |
Ameen Peerzade May 23, 2016 06:10 ![]() | The Energy partner concept is very interesting. Such ideas do need to be implemented. |
Anirudh Bhardwaj May 26, 2016 01:00 ![]() | Proposal contributor Dear Hemavati, Thanks for your support.The idea is to enlighten the youth with the expertise and experience of Energy Partners. Once we are able to channelize the energy of our youth in a right direction, we will surely be able to do wonders in any field. Dear Sanjay Singh, Very well said. Awareness is the definitely the first step towards change in attitude of people. Dear Star Footballer, Thanks for your support.
Thank you all once again ! |
Nimish Rajouria May 31, 2016 06:11 ![]() | Hii Technoholix, I really liked your idea of the attitude change. I believe inculcating this thought in every individual is very important. It’s high-time to understand the problems of climate change and its environmental impacts.It has to be informed to people before it gets too late. Young People are most flexible and somewhat aware of the situation and that could help in the paradigm shift of other peoples’ behavior also. Being an Indian, I am aware of the problems which our country might face in the coming future, if such steps are not taken on an immediate basis.We are a country with 120 Crore population and 74 % literacy rate. It is very important to teach people how environment and climate really matter for our survival about which majority of the population is unaware of. The people must be educated to live in harmony with environment rather than exploit it. The ways of conservation of environment must be taught to the young. |
Anirudh Bhardwaj Jun 1, 2016 01:02 ![]() | Proposal contributor Dear Nimish, Thanks for the support !! I completely agree with you. The biggest problem today with our country is that we have a large population and limited resources and hence it becomes utmost important that we have to use them judiciously and manage our resources wisely. It becomes very important for a nation that natural resources should be used prudently and wastage should be avoided so that future generation can have these resources for their survival also.but unfortunately it becomes equally difficult to make people learn about their environmental ethics and Human Values.
Lalit Bhardwaj Jun 2, 2016 05:48 ![]() | Awesome Idea!! If Educational Institutes could form such group and motivate young people to join hands and make others aware of not only the environmental aspects but also regarding the innovative technology through which we could bring about a change. One more thing I liked about this proposal is that if such students are motivated to join this field and carry out research and innovation as per their interest, which could be the biggest boon to the country. Students under the guidance of Energy Partners will get a lot of exposure. For the first time there will be a course where students will learn practically more from such activities. We desperately need young innovators and scientists to work in the field of environment and renewable energy to make this world a better place. The present generation has to ensure that the people coming ahead, the generations still unborn, have a world no worse than ours and hopefully even better.Awesome Idea!! If Educational Institutes could form such group and motivate young people to join hands and make others aware of not only the environmental aspects but also regarding the innovative technology through which we could bring about a change. |
Anirudh Bhardwaj Jun 3, 2016 02:14 ![]() | Proposal contributor Dear Lalit Bhardwaj, Thanks a lot for your support and views regarding the proposal ! Students will surely get a lot of exposure through Energy Partner Program. Through this program we can organize workshops in the field of renewable energy for the students who want to make their career in this field and we can also make such events where students will get a lot of exposure and experience.You rightly said that we need young innovators and scientists to put their efforts in this field and make our earth a better place to live.There is a huge scope of improvement in the technology of renewable sector which is yet to be exploreed. Once again a thank you for sparing some time to give your views about the proposal. if u have any other suggestion, query or opinion regarding the proposal. We will we more than happy to hear from you.
Sameera Nigham Jun 3, 2016 02:26 ![]() | Hello Technolholix / Anirudh, Nice Proposal..It surely needs to be implemented in our country. All the best for your team. |
Anirudh Bhardwaj Jun 13, 2016 01:09 ![]() | Proposal contributor Dear Sameera, Thanks a lot for your support. We are trying our best with best of our team that this program hits the floor and reaches out to the masses.
Preeti Singla Jun 15, 2016 05:40 ![]() | Hi Anirudh, I read the proposal, the idea is innovative and really commendable. In my opinion in order to save the environment you need to be aware of what you are doing, buying, using, and what it does to the environment. Obtaining sustainable development is difficult, especially for developing countries. Widespread poverty and a general lack of financial resources make it difficult for poor countries to voluntarily curb growth. This is because often times sacrificing economic growth results in starvation and/or rampant suffering. By the time that a developing country realizes that their economic growth is unhealthy it is too late to turn back because of over-dependence on the industry. I wish all the very best for this proposal. May you get the success. Preeti Singla |
Anirudh Bhardwaj Jun 15, 2016 06:11 ![]() | Proposal contributor Dear Preeti Singla, Thanks for the support. Environmental education is way beyond curriculum courses it has to be adopted in daily practices. Use of recyclable products, avoiding use of plastic bags etc are some of the things which are to be inculcated. The fact is that people know what is wrong ? what is right ? what needs to be done? how needs to be done? they just don't inculcate those practices in their daily lives. Through awareness programs of Eco Club we aim to inculcate and educate people for this behavioral change.
Shivam Sisodia Jun 15, 2016 08:33 ![]() | unique as ever ..ultimate idea |
Ayush Srivastav Jun 15, 2016 03:45 ![]() | Dear Anirudh and team, Wonderful idea....Already a lot has been said in support of the proposal. However I have 2 queries about its operation. 1). When is the team planning to initiate the process of Energy Partner? (Because reading the proposal, I could make out that the proposal is still to hit on the floor) 2). What are the common challenges you as a team are facing for its implementation? 3) How can anyone be a part of your proposal ? (those who don't come in any of the 4 categories that comprise Energy Partner Team) ? Best wishes for your proposal. Hope to hear from you soon. |
Shailja Bhatt Jun 16, 2016 01:42 ![]() | nice! |
Anirudh Bhardwaj Jun 17, 2016 02:44 ![]() | Proposal contributor Dear Ayush Sri, Thank you sir for your valuable comments. Regarding your queries:- Ans 1:- The team has already started to gather the basic information regarding the probable first few colleges who are going to adopt Energy Partner Program. We are in talks with around 15 institutions at present, Though we have a target of initially selecting 10 Colleges only.We are at the finalization stage of the guidelines to govern the complete Energy Partner program and its constitution consisting of various rules and regulations including the roles and responsibilities of every individual. We are aiming to complete all documentation and start the pilot program by November end this year. Ans 2: Surprisingly, we have received an overwhelming response for our Energy Partner Proposal from Educational Institutes, also from the Energy consultants and businessman. People with noble ideas want to join this program for the betterment of our environment. Many have shown a keen interest to work on it. The only challenge we might face in future is to make it function in a smooth manner. Bringing all at a common platform is going to be heck of a task. Ans 3: We are open to all to all types of suggestions and input. If any person do not fall in any of the four categories and wants to join this program he/she can be a part of Technoholix Team, who will monitor the activities of this program in a centralized manner and will try to add as many colleges as we can to this program. Any person can choose various roles in Technoholix as per his/her interest. If you have any other idea in which any one can be a part of this program you are welcomed to share.We are open to all such ideas and suggestions. Thank you |
Madhu Rajouria Jun 17, 2016 05:50 ![]() | Dear Technoholix the proposal has not only got potential to win this contest.. but also more importantly win many hearts as well. at a later stage of the implementation of the proposal... various schools would also love to adopt the "Energy Partner" approach. the big chains of schools like D.A.Vs, Delhi Public Schools etc can definitely manage to implement your idea! best of luck! :) |
Rudra Chauhan Jun 17, 2016 08:16 ![]() | Dear Anirudh and Team, I read your proposal and i am glad to see the support it is getting i am very optimistic with the response. Keep up the good work. We need people like you and your team to come ahead and take responsibility. We need many such Technoholix. we need to be united and then work as a single workforce as only collective efforts can help our country grow well. I also went through your references and saw videos of how "Ajinkyatara" made such a beautiful effort and made wonders in this field. This only proves that united we can achieve what seems so difficult to people in general. With all the very best wishes, i support your proposal ! |
Praujjwal Kumar Jun 17, 2016 09:56 ![]() | Really loved the concept. Simple but quite relevant to tackle India's present environmental situation. I extend all my support to you for your programs success. After reading above comments, I also saw the videos and links in the reference. I must say they are quite inspiring and worth supporting.Are you in touch with those teams who are already doing such works, though at small level ? Because i feel that would also be very helpful to you. Praujjwal Kumar
Anirudh Bhardwaj Jun 18, 2016 01:14 ![]() | Proposal contributor Dear Madhu Rajoria, Thanks for your support and valuable feedback! I am very glad to read your reviews. Technoholix has initially planned and targeted colleges only as the plot for the program. The program has been designed exclusively for colleges and Universities considering many factors and activities are decided keeping that in mind. We have received many suggestions regarding implementing this programs in Schools too. People have appreciated the proposal but for that we will have to make some basic changes in the constitution of the program along with the structure and working of Energy Partner. Hence we are working to design a program for school levels also, maybe with some different structure and we will definitely come up with that program once we are done with the initial phase of Energy Partner Program. |
Anirudh Bhardwaj Jun 18, 2016 01:18 ![]() | Proposal contributor Dear Madhu Rajoria, Thanks for your support and valuable feedback! I am very glad to read your reviews. Technoholix has initially planned and targeted colleges only as the plot for the program. The program has been designed exclusively for colleges and Universities considering many factors and activities are decided keeping that in mind. We have received many suggestions regarding implementing this programs in Schools too. People have appreciated the proposal but for that we will have to make some basic changes in the constitution of the program along with the structure and working of Energy Partner. Hence we are working to design a program for school levels also, maybe with some different structure and we will definitely come up with that program once we are done with the initial phase of Energy Partner Program. |
Anirudh Bhardwaj Jun 18, 2016 01:18 ![]() | Proposal contributor Dear Madhu Rajoria, Thanks for your support and valuable feedback! I am very glad to read your reviews. Technoholix has initially planned and targeted colleges only as the plot for the program. The program has been designed exclusively for colleges and Universities considering many factors and activities are decided keeping that in mind. We have received many suggestions regarding implementing this programs in Schools too. People have appreciated the proposal but for that we will have to make some basic changes in the constitution of the program along with the structure and working of Energy Partner. Hence we are working to design a program for school levels also, maybe with some different structure and we will definitely come up with that program once we are done with the initial phase of Energy Partner Program. |
Anirudh Bhardwaj Jun 18, 2016 02:05 ![]() | Proposal contributor Dear Rudra Chauhan, Thank you so much for the support. We are pleased to know that you liked the videos in the reference. Those videos inspire and give an idea of change that can be brought to the nation with dedicated efforts. Such efforts are to be praised and people should be awarded with special recognition who put in all efforts to bring out these changes. |
Anirudh Bhardwaj Jun 18, 2016 02:32 ![]() | Proposal contributor Dear Praujjwal, Yes, we are in contact with some of these organizations who are involved in such activities. But as a team of Technoholix we have a very limited area of work. There are so many small teams all over the country who are working and making small efforts in this field but they all go unrecognized. Through Energy Partner program, it will be the responsibility of Energy partners to look for such teams in their city/region and ask them to join hands. In that way Energy Partner along with joining such groups will expand their horizon outside the college. That will be helpful for both of the teams. |
Ravi Kaushik Jun 20, 2016 07:23 ![]() | Dear Mr. Anirudh, Nice Proposal, Good for those some colleges who by now were doing such efforts by their own. There are some colleges who are very keen to work for climate change. This proposal will surely provide them an aided help reducing their burden. I wanted to ask, What are your plans to collaborate with some other teams which are working in the field of environment or such NGO’s? if any. Best wishes for the finalists selection. All the best ! |
Chavi Gupta Jun 20, 2016 07:52 ![]() | Dear Team, The proposal has got a lot of potential in Indian environment scenario. Superb ! The idea of uniting all different type of people who can be of help in behavior change as well as the implementation of environmental friendly projects is very good. I would suggest to present this proposal to the The Indian government as this could well under be joined with "Swachh Bharat Abhiyan". Have you tried that ? I am Highly Impressed with the proposal. All the very Best. |
Parineeta Rai Jun 20, 2016 08:14 ![]() | Dear Technoholix, It is a very interesting proposal. I believe there is a huge scope of behavioral change through this proposal.We can surely do wonder if this is proposal is practiced by Indian colleges and universities. Regards, Parineeta Rai |
Anirudh Bhardwaj Jun 20, 2016 03:15 ![]() | Proposal contributor Dear Ravi Kaushik, Thanks for the support. Its true that management of some colleges are very keen to work for the climate and environment and are ready to provide full support to such programs.Some colleges such as NIT Jalandhar, Punjab or Dayalbagh Institute of Technology, Agra, Uttar Pradesh etc are some of the examples where such colleges have already accepted models of Energy Conservation and management. Regarding your question, It is too early to go for collaboration with other organizations. We believe that it is better we take this program to a certain level and then we can collaborate as per the requirement.Having Said that, each and every individual is welcomed to give their reviews and support and we would be more than happy to work with anyone. It is not a program of Technoholix only.It is the program of every citizen of this country and hence anyone can contribute. |
Nithyanand Nayak Jun 23, 2016 11:15 ![]() | Hello! The proposal is very practical and need of the hour. Its application will surely realise its goals. I would like to say that in our country there is big fan following of Sports and Film Actors. Keeping this in mind, I suggest you romp in some Celebrities to join and support this great cause. If not at an earlier stage, atleast at a later stage. Their attachment to the program can be even made popular by the Press and hence the program and its applicability will be a reality soon
Good luck! |
Anirudh Bhardwaj Jun 24, 2016 07:10 ![]() | Proposal contributor Dear Chhavvi, Parineeta and Nityanand, Thanks a ton for your support and valuable feedback on the proposal. Your suggestions are really very good and we have taken a note of it. We will discuss with our core team and experts about these suggestion and will surely do what is practically viable. I totally agree that if sport personalities and film actors join our program and address publicly about the environmental issues, people will be motivated and follow what they say. Specially the Indian youth which look up to such celebrities as their idols will surely be motivated. thank you once again for your support. Anirudh Bhardwaj |
Hemant Wagh Jun 28, 2016 02:20 ![]() | The theme of your proposal is implicit in an older proposal. Link to that proposal is below.
https://www.climatecolab.org/contests/2015/land-use-agriculture-forestry-livestock/c/proposal/1310401 |
Anirudh Bhardwaj Jul 4, 2016 12:12 ![]() | Proposal contributor Respected Sir,
First of all I would like to congratulate you for being a semi-finalist last year. Kudos to your idea and effort. I read your proposal and would humbly like to make a point to you.
The theme of our proposal is not at all implicit in any way to your older proposal. All the proposals in all the contests have some similarity just as these two proposals have i.e. they ultimately seek to better the environment. However stating that one is implicit of the other is certainly not right and that even a 5th grade student can make out by reading both proposals.
Our Technoholix team has been working really very hard on this proposal and it is disheartening such kind of comments.
The very category of the two proposals should have brought to your notice that one is a landscape management, action-oriented category and another is about bringing a change in the behavior of individuals and society, an awareness creating-oriented category.
Our proposal aims to establish a workforce of college students along with some experienced and skilled people to bring about change as a model in that particular institution. We aim to bring about change through adaptation of models like Solar Rooftop, Rain Water Harvesting, Energy Auditing, Energy Efficient Lighting and Eco club activities such as Rallies, Theatre, Drama, competitions etc.
I am afraid that the linked proposal doesn’t aim to do so. Correct me if I am wrong but that proposal is about provision of nourishing food to deprived section of population by planting trees and storage of seeds and involves school going children.
So I would conclude by saying that the two proposals have no similarity at all and “Technoholix” claims the originality of the proposal.
Thank you Anirudh Bhardwaj |