@ Earthcarbon, Mitigate your carbon footprint by adopting a CDM program in your life, instead of third party certification.
When word ‘climate change’ is searched on Google, hundreds of articles about world environmental-consciousness & governments initiatives of various countries ( India) mandating Clean Responsible Technologies.
Today, many businesses are looking to reducing carbon emissions as part of their CSR or sustainability, while households wants to alleviate climate change. Websites calculate carbon footprint and redirects to third party websites for mitigation. However, none has a platform where solution-providers and customers can connect. There is a gap between carbon-reduction-seekers and solution-suppliers and this gap pushed Earth Carbon International (ECI) launch a web portal which will be a one-stop place for measuring, managing and minimizing carbon footprints. 90% of the world’s population wants zero carbon emissions. ECI knows there is a gap where people donot know where to start. In ECI's web portal, clients will have access to managed programs tailor made to their usage that alternate technologies, which will be cheaper, reduce costs, & are going to be cleaner & responsive to environment.
Online users are welcome to purchase managed solutions offered by ECI. By managing client's need, ECI staff will support their clients with climate solution implementation acceleration, provide mentoring, technical, and advisory services during the crucial early phases and connect them local supplier support if needed. The managed solutions are based on Measure, Manage & Minimize principal Rigorous impact monitoring and reporting. The ECI business clients’ environmental reports are disclosed on public Domainwww.CDP.net to help them to pitch Investors, Customers & Stake Holders. Household clients will be assisted to get Carbon Credits for their outstanding initiative, and could be an avenue for press releases being an epitome of responsible citizenship. This initiative will help reduce the CO2e worldwide to balance the energy landscape fight climate change.
What actions do you propose?
As per UNFCCC Website we need to reduce our current carbon footprint from 7 tons per person to 3.5 tons per person. This means nearly 50% reduction in our usage or shift to renewable energy resources.
Our focus is on Households, Corporate, Organization and service sectors. For households per capita energy usage is our BAu scenario from where we tend to reduce half of per capita energy usage.Typical Indian household uses energy in following flow:
Lighting : 20%
Appliances: 15%
Pumping: 15%
Cooling : 50%
This can be replaced by :
Solar Water heating: 15%
Solar Power Grid: 50%
Solar Power Off Grid: 15%
Water Pumping: 15%
Conservation: 5%.
Near 100% self sustainability is possible if bottoms up approach is practiced with user profile in mind. Local government support and incentives can defiantly work towards Zero emission residential units.
Industrial Energy consumption differ to Residential and commercial energy usage. Industrial energy is mainly Electricity, Petroleum Product, Coal, Natural Gas and renewable Energy
Energy Intensity GJ/ton to produce a ton of product is bench mark compared to world average.
2005 Energy Intensity in GJ/Ton world avge
Writing & Printing Paper 34.3 7.6
Paper & Paperboards 21.8 9.6
Paper 30.6 7.3
Newsprint 29.0 7.2
Kraft Paper 10.7 7.8
Average 25.35
Pulping process accounts for 26% or energy used, bleaching accounts for 7%. In all 25% is energy bill for manufacturing cost for Paper.
The electrical and thermal energy are: 1092 kWh/ton and 4.32 MKcal/ton, whereas the international values are around 650 kWh/ton and 2.9 Mkcal/ton, respectively.
Out of 100 units of energy consumed in pulp and paper industry, 75─80 %is consumed in process heating and the rest as electric power. In order to produce one tone of dried pulp, 0.215 M Kcal of power and 6.5 tones of steam are used in Kraft with black liquor recovery process, while 1.45 tones of steam and around 3.5 M Kcal power are used in acid sulfite process. In developed countries, steam used varies from 6─9 t/t and power from 1550─1250 kWh/t. 1991-1995.
Who will take these actions?
From MIT : Role would mainly focus on Awareness. Participation of users is key to sustainable organization. Key strategies to include self awareness program to be shared by users. Any organization 10-15% conservation is achievable by user participation. Periodic maintenance & servicing of technologies, Planned phasing out of in efficient technologies would be key challenge.
Government role: Promoting renewable with timely support and implementation. Supporting technology changes with soft loans, subsidies and incentives encourages end user for conservation. Most of government schemes lacks timing for implementation. Processing, validation and supervision must in tune with site requirement.
Support from businesses: will make great impact, particularly when matured technologies are to be supported.
How much will emissions be reduced or sequestered vs. business as usual levels?
BAU Reduction Adoption Estimated Reduction
Year GtCO2e % % Gt CO2e
2020: 1,023.351 20 30 61.40
2030 : 1274.161 27 35 120.41
2040: 1630.631 30 37 181.00
2050: 1987.09 32 39 247.99
Estimated reductions will depend on following factors:
- Awareness with correct information to end users. Currently the trend for renewable is positive more and more people are convinced for climate change issue.
- After Paris summit, more and more government actions are delivering results.
- More and more effective policies are framed with result oriented implementation creating a new confidence arc among customers.
- Technological innovations are multiplying with research based innovations crossing all bench marks.
What are other key benefits?
Sustainable Development Goals Country specific INDC, NAMA's, local authorities incentives are part of the project. Investor switching to CDM programs will be able to access maximum benefits from local, state or International agencies. The main advantage of such process is, it has bottoms up approach where, in depth study of end user profile, will reflect tailor made solutions for priority emissions. depending on budget, user can continue implementing programs till his activities equals usage.
In long run end user can be sustainable leaving civil service like energy waste and water supply from local authorities in secondary slot with renewable energy as primary usage. End of the year energy, water & waste would balance up.
Society as a whole would benefit from sustainability. Main outcome would be current cost as well as recurring cost for life time. Before advent of electricity, survival was never a problem.
What are the proposal’s costs?
The project has been divided into three stages:
- Pre-feasibility study or measuring :Which covers audits of resources with potential leakages, deriving projections of savings with Rate of return on investment.
- Proposal to manage: Managing activities linked to emissions, priority for reduction has to be worked out depending on finance, resource savings etc. User can opt for save as you pay or pay and save options. Projection for investments and pay backs are shared.
- Implementation to mitigate: With priorities worked and planned execution of technologies, user sits back and relaxes. Implementation is supported by training, projected output with climatic conditions,servicing options and program. Eventualities, alternative options etc. A review of out put is logged with projected output. This exercise makes user more interested as monitoring own activity leading to reduction in emissions.