urbanization geared towards the right direction by MEGAWATT
Please find below the
Finalist Evaluation
Judges'' comments
Thank you for participating in the 2015 Urban Energy Efficiency Climate CoLab contest, and for the time you spent in creating and revising your entry.
The Judges have strongly considered your proposal in this second round of evaluation, and have chosen to not advance it as a Finalist for this contest.
We, the Judges and contest Fellows, are truly grateful for your contribution to the Climate CoLab and for your commitment to address climate change.
We encourage you to keep developing your work. Transfer it to the Proposal Workspace to re-open it, make edits, add collaborators, and even submit it into a future contest. You can do so by logging into your account, opening your proposal, selecting the Admin tab, and clicking “Move proposal”.
We hope you will stay involved in the Climate CoLab community. Please support and comment on proposals that have been named Finalists and vote for which proposal you would like to be nominated as the contest’s Popular Choice Winner.
If you have questions, please contact the Climate CoLab staff at admin@climatecolab.org
Keep up the great work. And thank you again for being a part of this mission to harness the world’s collective efforts to develop and share innovative climate change solutions.
2015 Climate CoLab Judges
Additional Comments:
1) The concept of separate remote power supplies brings in the cost and thus energy wastage from laying 3 sets of cable to eery household and all the way back to the power generating stations.
A component such as water heating is deemed to be a high power and is best dealt with at a local level using solar heating instead of keeping it on the grid.
Socially most African communities are yet to reach the level of appreciating power saving thus giving this project a steep educational curve.
Solar is yet to be associated with the middle class and affluent thus its acceptance still has a long way to go, I have actually seen people decommission their solar power panels when the grid arrives in their areas.
2) I think this proposal is to have some form of renewable power at community scale, with transparent metering and messaging among all members to help manage the resource. If so, it has merit for its climate value. However, there isn’t enough development of the project that’s obvious to see if there is a credible proposal, such as how the $83000 would be spent and where the remaining $73000 would come from.
Semi-Finalist Evaluation
Judges'' ratings
• | Novelty: | |
• | Feasibility: | |
• | Impact: | |
• | Presentation: |
Judges'' comments
SUBJECT: Your proposal has been selected as a Semi-Finalist!
Congratulations! Your proposal, urbanization geared towards the right direction in the Urban Energy Efficiency contest, has been selected to advance to the Semi-Finalists round.
You will be able to revise your proposal and add new collaborators if you wish, from July 1st until July 14, 2015 at 23:59pm Eastern Time.
Judges' feedback are posted under the "Evaluation" tab of your proposal. Please incorporate this feedback in your revisions, or your proposal may not be advanced to the Finalists round. We ask you to also summarize the changes that you made in the comment section of the Evaluation tab.
At the revision deadline listed below, your proposal will be locked and considered in final form. The Judges will undergo another round of evaluation to ensure that Semi-Finalist proposals have addressed the feedback given, and select which proposals will continue to the Finalists round. Finalists are eligible for the contest’s Judges Choice award, as well as for public voting to select the contest’s Popular Choice award.
Thank you for your great work and again, congratulations!
2015 Climate CoLab Judges
Judges' Comments
It is a great idea but I would have liked to see more details about the next step, otherwise I don't have confidence that they will be able to driving this forward.
The cost implications makes it more ideal for a highly aware society that is already consciously taking action to reduce waste.
There is a mention of hydro power generation but they have not explained how this will be done especially since there are no rivers in the area, unless the intention is to install turbines inside the water and sewer pipes.
Retrofitting is an expensive and destructive process which to be cost effective will need an advanced DIY community such as the US or Germany.
The Team MEGAWATT seeks to put across an Energy Mix system for Housing developments. The team is not clear about the definition for Real Estate since it confuses Real Estate with Residential development. It must be noted that Real Estate is not only residential but it comprise other development such as Commercial, Industrial, Civic, etc.
The presentation is not clear. For implementation, it will be appropriate to target a particular developer on pilot basis and use that as a case study for deployment among the players in the Real Estate sector. Although such a project may be expensive in respect to the initial cost, the proposal may be feasible if the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) approach is employed. Need to provide basis for the suggested 40% Emission reduction. Suggest time line to be looked at again.
Andrews Nii Awuley Lartey Jul 14, 2015 03:58 ![]() | Proposal creator
Our definition and target of real estates in Accra refers to new housing communities that are gated in the city. In Accra, most of these areas are called residential areas which may deviate a little from the actual definition with respect to urban planning. In these gated communities, there are instances where a company builds houses for people to rent or buy and another where people are allowed to buy the land and build a structure of their choices on them. People who belong to these communities belong to the wealthy class in society. A wall or fence is built around the confines of the estate with a main entrance and guards.
There are no rivers or water bodies in these gated communities to make for production of hydro-energy by the dam method. The method we adopt is to build a large capacity high tower reservoir with turbine retrofitted pipes that connects to it. There will also be small turbines fitted into pipe and sewer sources that connect to the community and homes. Our large capacity high tower reservoir will have large pipes with turbines retrofitted into them. The pipes will have a sinusoidal and elliptical design. The reason for this design is to ensure that high velocity running water in these pipes from the reservoir continue to move in the loop that will be created with less dependency on powerful pumps which would have been introduced into the system. The loop consists of two parts- the sinusoidal loop and the elliptical loop. The sinusoidal loop connects to the reservoir directly at a point where water will move into it at a high potential speed. The sinusoidal design will ensure the moving water attains kinetic and potential energy points throughout to the elliptical loop. In the center of the elliptical loop is a powerful artificial pump that adds to the centrifugal force created by the elliptical design to pull water out of the sinusoidal loop. This force, increases the push of the water in the elliptical loop to continue at high velocity then enters into the reservoir at a greater speed to continue the cyclic flow of water through the pipes which contains the retrofitted turbines. The second option of installing small turbines into the pipe and sewer sources that connects to the community and homes will follow the initial design of town planners, no new design there will be just turbines in the system. We will consult companies and countries to assist us in this regard.
We are targeting trassacco and NTHC developers in the country for the pilot phase of our project and use that as a case study for deployment among others players in the gated real estate sector. We will go into agreement with developers and the individual owners of the houses in the estates. For the developers to assist us in the implementation of the plan and the individuals to agree to benefit from this and pay their due course to the successful implementation of the project since they will be bearing most of the cost in this project. We will be contacting international and local bodies to assist in the project: Australia Government; European Commission; German Federal Ministry For The Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety; Ghana Ministry Of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation; and the Environmental Protection Agency.
We are going to allowing for installation of solar panels for a section of the roofs on the houses of each individual in the estate. We will have our main large solar plant on our field in the community. Most of the streets in these communities are bitumen and asphalt made. These roads conduct a lot of head during the sunny day. Our wires that will be connected through them will have conducting sheets and rings on them to be additional energy sources through conduction of heat. In our plan, we will be planting trees at our end (wind corridor) and around the estates to allow for wind and rain. The wind will be an advantage to get our wind vanes to work. In the early years, based on the quantity of wind and speed and detection of wind corridors, we will install a certain quantity of wind vanes to generate energy. Our biogas plant will utilize raw materials from the community we establish in; all household sewer pipes will be connected to a central point at our end for mass production of energy (this will be our initial biomass strategy).
The project is hoping to effect a 40% reduction in emission in the country when it is full blown. Energy crisis in Accra has caused a lot of homes and businesses to buy generators compared to when there was manageable energy crisis. This has resulted in more homes generators which is powered by fuel. Carbon emissions are increasing. The pilot stage of this project will not lead to a 40% reduction in carbon emissions that is caused by usage of generators. The 40% energy reduction will be effective when this project is adopted by 85% of gated real estate communities and 30% of the rest of the communities outside gated communities. This will mean in the first 10 years of our implementation carbon energy emission reduction will be by approximation, 11.8%.
In the first few years, we will do market and feasibility studies before getting third parties (governmental and private sector) to be involved to implement the project. This will be between 3 to 5 years of start of project. Between 5 to 10 years we will be working on gathering of logistics and manufacturing of elements for project. We will be conducting environmental studies during each stage. Between 10 to 50 years we will be building the project with our partner developers as part of the pilot phase. We are hoping to extend the project to other real estate communities between 30 to 50 years of the pilot phase. We are looking at working along with research institutions like MIT and Carnegie Mellon University and DIY countries like Germany and United States Of America. We are adopting the Life Cycle Cost Analysis for Lands and Buildings October 2005 approach by Stanford University on this project since we are new to a large project like this.