Pan India Movement in industry for massive reduction in energy consumption by SEEM Energy Clusters
SEEM proposes pan India energy clusters among small and medium enterprises promoting guided self help to implement energy saving measures
Society of Energy Engineers and Managers(SEEM) is the national professional body of Certified energy auditors and managers in India. Industry should play an important role in energy conservation activities. Some of them have reduced their specific energy consumption up to 50% in the past 10 years through continual improvement but still many others doesn’t have any idea how to proceed. A sizeable number of the 25 million strong small and medium enterprises fall in this category. To support the best efforts of Central and State Governments, SEEM India’s premium association of Certified Energy Management professionals launching our new knowledge sharing platform SEEM Energy Cluster – A unique gathering of organizations to move together for a sustainable growth.
Structure of SEC?
SEC consists of manufacturing plants or a facility who really wants to reduce their energy consumption and carbon foot print through collective efforts without affecting their normal operations or secrecy of business. SEC Members to meet once in 3 months during at any of the member facilities in a structured manner.
- SEC would be area wise and not product or service wise.
- Max. Number of members would be restricted to 25 organizations.
- Each member to have 4 no’s representatives and minimum 2 should attend each meeting
- Meetings must be in any of the member facilities during 2 pm to 5 pm
- Other members can visit only the conference hall or allotted area by the hosting member and should not try to breach any instruction which may lead to disqualification of their membership.
- If host wants to showcase any of their new idea or equipments, members can visit the particular area only when host member representatives are available and with prior permission
- Members can visit other plants also with prior approval.
Why such an association?
SEC is a gathering of organizations who really wants to contribute to the cause of energy conservation. Mostly energy conservation is carried out through in-house activities or through other vendors. SEC provides an opportunity to member organizations to understand the pulse of the industry and get more valuable and cheaper options for their energy concerns. By sharing best practices SEC provides an opportunity to all members to reduce their energy cost and grow together even though they are competing in the market.
What benefit each member gets?
- Can understand what others are doing on energy management.
- Get an opportunity to understand new energy saving equipment and gadgets
- Get trained by SEEM experts
- Get innovative solutions for their chronic issues
- Get an opportunity to interact with a groups of energy experts, suppliers and service providers
What each member to do?
- Present their best practices during the allotted slot for the benefit of others
- Interact with counterparts in other organizations and build rapport
- Host meetings at member premises during their turn
- Raise your specific issues to energy fraternity and get solutions