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A Solution 4 Humanity: How 2 #Mitigate #ClimateChange With 9 Steps



Time is of the essence and we need to act quickly so everyone needs to take ownership and do their part both at home and at work so we can reverse the negative effects of Climate Change. We can achieve this by going back to living in a more circular minded/driven economy and by creating Climate Change incentives and/or fines.

Following is our Climate Change Template: 

1. Energy Efficient Homes. Every single person must cache and harvest rainwater and include low flow devices, gray water recovery products and/or retrofits including solar panels, solar heaters, wind turbines, etc.

2. Flood Prevention. Existing homes should be retrofitted so they are more permeable*. Cities must also become retrofitted so they are more permeable and flood tolerant. New construction both private and commercial should ramp up permeability plans. *Permeable means the ability to absorb water and prevent flooding via green roofs, vertical gardens, permeable pavements/sidewalks, xeriscapes, flooding absorbing landscapes, etc. All new homes should be designed with a more permeable minded infrastructure like self contained earthship homes.

3. Circular Economy. We must go back to the days of garden markets, pocket gardens and locally grown produce.

4. Eliminate Food Waste. We must eliminate food waste by doing what France is doing and forbidding food from being tossed at supermarkets and by other food purveyors/distributors. Soon to be expired food should be distributed/donated to people in need, shelters and charities. Restaurant food waste should be used to create healthy compost.

5. Ban Toxic Pesticides and Toxic Fertilizers. We must make it illegal to the use toxic pesticides/fertilizers and create fines for offenders. This will help prevent bee die offs, red tide and skin lesions on aquatic life. There are plenty of natural methods, non toxic fertilizers and non toxic pesticides so there is no excuse to continue to endanger the balance of our eco system.

6. Ban Illegal Logging and Deforestation. We must escalate the prevention of illegal logging and deforestation. Tree planting programs must be accelerated and fast tracked. Incentives and fines can help.

7. Divest from Coal. Cars and commercial transportation vehicles (including ships) must be hybrids and/or electric. India is already retrofitting their trains with solar power. In the US clean cars and busses are already clearly marked. Trains, airplanes, water vessels are not. Providing incentives , media campaigns and creating an eco label for transportation vessels will help incentivize and promote awareness. Note: We already have our first eco friendly/solar powered yacht and we need more!

8. Purchase Local. Purchases for home and businesses should give preference to products that are made by locals and/or consider purchasing/donating used items from places like goodwill, etc.

9. Recycle More. Recycle bins at home and work must become mandatory. We need to enlarge our outreach and target places that have fallen through the cracks like outdoor concerts (Burning Man) and other venues that generate tons of recyclable waste that ends up in the dump. Another idea is to create Makerspaces that focus on repurposing and recycling waste materials. These Makerspaces can also double as flea markets on the weekends where wares can be sold.

On a national level what will steam roll this proposal is lobbying for the creation of financial incentives and/or tax breaks as well as creating steep fines for what is outlined above.

On a global level what is necessary is the creation of a Global Environmental Protection Agency that can spearhead governments to pass laws and create incentives that protect and mitigate Climate Change. Our hope is to get this on the agenda of the upcoming Paris COP21 conference.

With proper recognition and buy-in, this project can become a reality.

Which plan do you select for China?

China CO2 Soil Sequestration via Plant Root Mass Using a Renewable Abiotic EPS

Which plan do you select for India?

Incentivise efficient household energy use through social & economic instruments

Which plan do you select for the United States?

Unify America: Set the Example by Leading from the Front

Which plan do you select for Europe?

Europe CO2 Soil Sequestration via Plant Root Mass Using a Renewable Abiotic EPS

Which plan do you select for other developing countries?

A shadow price on recycling can grow city economy and improve quality of life

Which plan do you select for other developed countries?

Cooling Climate Change in Developed Countries!

What additional cross-regional proposals are included in your plan, if any?

How do the regional and cross-sectoral plans above fit together?

Unfortunate there weren't many options to pick. I hope more can be added and some need to be edited and resubmitted.

Explanation of the emissions scenario calculated in the Impact tab

What are the plan’s key benefits?

By living a holistic life style both at work and at home we will have a better chance of mitigating our current and increasingly deteriorating climate. As stated above our governments and corporations must create tax and financial incentives so we can fast track these climate mitigation measures.

What are the plan’s costs?

An economist would be better suited to provide a stab at putting a number around this!

What are the key challenges to enacting this plan?

We already have a captive audience and even the Pope and the Dalai Lama are now actively engaged. The time is ripe to push this forward. We need buy in from every president and prime minister around the world.




I can provide this data later.