Finn Woelm Dec 12, 2015 03:18
| Hello David, Just another Boulder resident here but I love your emphasis on collaboration and bottom-up community engagement. I'm curious how you envision these special interest groups: Are they, legally speaking, an ordinary non-profit or is your idea to give them some kind of city-level decision-making power? If the former, could you potentially collaborate with existing non-profits such as Climate Reality Project, Colorado, and Citizens' Climate Lobby · Boulder, CO? Also, I like your short-term goal of simply getting started with a special interest group and forming some recommendations to be forwarded to the city of Boulder. What are your plans for making just that happen? What obstacles are standing in the way? How can other people, like myself, help? Keep up the good work for a better climate, |
Leila Bruno Feb 9, 2016 06:22
| Hi David, i was blown away by your list of citizen accomplishments! this is really important information, and it shows how much citizens can d0 -- and HAVE done -- to care for the environment for future generations. i feel so grateful to those who came before, and i agree with you that reenergizing this citizen caring and commitment is KEY to our approach to take action on climate disruption. thank you! |