Climate Colab Aug 6, 2014 12:26 ![]() |
The Judges thought this was a strong idea and this type of tool is needed. We would like to see the author flesh out the proposal further.
Please include in your revisions more details about the following:
- the work plan
- materials to be addressed
- 0-20 classification methodology
- costs
- confidentiality requirements of suppliers, and other relevant issues.
Good luck!
Mairead Ahern Aug 13, 2014 06:28 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Thank you for your interest in my Base Zero concept, as well as your feedback. I have been working away on your suggested revisions which were as follows:
- the work plan
- materials to be addressed
- 0-20 classification methodology
- costs
- confidentiality requirements of suppliers, and other relevant issues.
I am wondering, if possible, could you elaborate a small bit more on what exactly you need to see these covered in each of these points, to make sure I adequately cover each section. For example:
-How detailed does the work plan need to be? (should this follow in similar layout to a business plan with SWOT analysis, competitor/industry analysis, financial projections, and so on; or should it read more like a strategy/operations plan...)
-What kind of a time-line should I focus on?
-In terms of costing how accurate do these figures need to be? (should I include min/max figures or approximations?)
-In terms of materials would you like me to go through each industry with a few examples of currently available alternative materials, technologies, and other relevant industry issues, or is this too much detail at this point?
-Could you elaborate more on the confidentiality requirements of suppliers?
-Also would it be useful at this point to include some visuals such as flow charts to portray the layout and functionality of the database?
Thanks again for your time
Many regards,
Victor Blanco Aug 26, 2014 03:27 ![]() |
I wish you the best! Please, check my proposal in Waste Management Contest, named "REACC: Recycled Debris for Adaptation to Climate Change"; and I would apreciate your support as I supported your proposal.
Climate Colab Sep 3, 2014 12:26 ![]() |
The Judges believe that getting a rating system promoted worldwide is a heavy lift and this proposal does not convince them of how it could be done effectively. Also, they would have needed to see more details about how the lifecycle assessments would be harmonized for a very large database of many materials.
B W Jun 27, 2015 12:31 ![]() |
Would you be willing to duplicate this proposal in the United States Action Plan under the industry sector? I would like to include it into my team's proposal see Unify America under United States Action Plans. My best to you!