To increase awareness of the potential impications of sea level rise install "future" high level markers with projected dates.
Waterfront communities should erect high water signage as a precaution to buildings and roadway users that these sea levels are forecast.
Category of the action
Communicating Coastal Risk and Resiliency
What actions do you propose?
Community safety organizations can allocate very small budgets. Perhaps NOAA could issue projections based on best available data.
Who will take these actions?
Communities and government safety agencies along coastal areas.
What are other key benefits?
When people see the signage it will force them to consider the consequences which are now generally viewed as inevitable. Hopefully citizens groups will be more motivated to develop action plans for resiliency.
What are the proposal’s costs?
Very low, a part of normal community signage.
Time line
These actions would be phased in over the next five years, with a national program to develop data and encourage local participation.
Related proposals
NOAA is currently providing this data