Angélica Lara P.r. Jun 17, 2014 04:29
I'm a decision maker of the goverment and as you say its important for us to increase knowlegde of society about coastal risk and resilience.
You can add some activities to your proposal:
Capacity building of coastal communities
Elaborate a contingency Plan for each risk (in case those communities doesnt have one)
Elaborate a rebuilding Plan
Develop early warning systems
Amelia Trav Jun 17, 2014 09:39
I think this is a really interesting idea, with some great potential. It would be great to see this proposal developed to demonstrate more clearly how it could be implemented, and in which location you are thinking of beginning implementation.
In particular I would encourage you to consider the steps that could be taken to develop the idea from small to big, with a budget linked to each of those steps.
So for example the project could start with just one town hall meeting, or a facebook page where people could share their experiences, and then it could grow from there. It might be a lot easier to start small, allow for any mistakes, and then to grow larger with experience.
There's fantastic potential within this idea.
Naolo Charles Jun 17, 2014 09:46
| Proposal contributor
Thank you to all and I will folow your advice as soon as I get the time.
By the way, your site is great. This is a great initiative. You should also checkout Ami Dar from with his connectors project. I think your initiatives go in the same directions.
Carolina Quiroz Jun 17, 2014 10:57
I think this is a great idea, it is better to understand the impacts from people who are already suffering them. I think one way to increase capacity building at the local level would be through lessons learned from communities that share similar conditions because for some communities adaptation through the use of natural resources such as mangroves restoration may not be the best solution for an inland communuty.
Additionally, I think that a communication strategy through different mass media instruments would be something very useful, and finally I would recommend to consider the participation of private sector in these initiatives.
Climate Colab Aug 6, 2014 12:33
This sounds like a really neat idea. I really like the idea of using experiences from one community to help inform another community that has some similar types of challenges. However, it is not totally clear to me how the community "matching" process would occur. Who will the participants be? How will participation be encouraged? Also, this sounds like quite a large undertaking to get chapters started in multiple locations to make this really work on a larger scale. This idea may need more fleshing out, as suggested by the contestants.
Naolo Charles Aug 7, 2014 06:31
| Proposal contributor
Thank you for considering that proposal. I agree that some elements on the form can be updated. However, that idea is really just about making people who experienced climage change events to speak directly to others like them, with a match based on demographics or profession. To be perfectly honest, I think this is a great idea and someone should do it. The chapters element are farfetch because I was trying too much to formulate a how-to but basicaly, this idea is right on spot. I formulated it especially for this site and I am happy abot it. Once again, thank you for reading.