Huynh Phu Dat Jul 4, 2014 10:00 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Update The Impact of Proposal “ Global Serious Errors of Design of the World , Environmental Laws “ on climate change with result :
Absorb 2 329 559 574 804 tons CO2 > Emit 595 245 000 000 000 tons CO2 in 15 years , if 1 year we emit 39.683 billion tons CO2 .
Anita Talberg Jul 5, 2014 02:00 ![]() |
Hi huynhphudat,
Thanks for your proposal. It is very hard to read because of the formatting. It would help the judges if you cleaned it up. Are you able to make it more reader-friendly so that we can provide useful feedback to you before we hand over to the judges?
Huynh Phu Dat Jul 5, 2014 02:51 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Hi Neeberg
Thank you for replying me . You know , you're nor the first person tell me about that . On others contest they can understand my proposal and some people support me . I enter 11 contests and many Catalysts can understand me , some fellows can understand me too . Perhaps only the part I analyze USGB standards is difficult to read , others is not to much difficult to read . Now , if I have to change , wow , I have to change 11 times , it's a lot . Some members , Catalysts already support me , it's meant they understand . So I really hope I don't have to change . About the main part , Serious Errors of Design , I think it's easy to understand .
Huynh .
Anita Talberg Jul 5, 2014 07:37 ![]() |
Hi Huynh,
No problem, it is completely your choice. However you may be putting yourself at a disadvantage.
Huynh Phu Dat Jul 6, 2014 09:07 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Hi Neeberg ,
I need a little help , can you tell me my proposal is a little difficult to read or difficult to read or really difficult to read ? I need to know so I can fix .
And 1 more question , what is the size of your monitor ?
Thank you , I will re - work , but I need a little information .
Huynh .
Anita Talberg Jul 6, 2014 09:09 ![]() |
Hi Huynh,
For me the proposal is very difficult to understand. I have a laptop and a large monitor to which the laptop connects so I have viewed your proposal on large and small monitors and in different browsers.
The text sits below the template in some places. The information is not structured in a way to help the reader understand the idea easily. There is too much detail on many parts and not enough detail in other parts.
A good test is to ask a friend or family member, someone that is not familiar with your research, to read your proposal once (and once only) and tell you what they understood from it. If they need to read it twice to understand then you have a problem. I would recommend having sentences rather than many dot points. And try to tell a story. Only use actual numbers where it is needed, instead simplify the concept and then add detail as the reader becomes more familiar with the idea. I would remove the colours and all the bold headings and instead rely on titles and subtitles to provide structure. Remove the urls and only include them as hyperlinks if they are actually necessary.
Most importantly, ask yourself the question: "Does this proposal actually answer the contest question?". The contest question is about governance of research into climate engineering. Does your proposal deal with this?
I hope this helps,
Huynh Phu Dat Jul 6, 2014 10:54 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Hi Neeberg ,
I'm on editing process , I hope I will finish in some day . Right now you can check and see the difference .
And I have a advice : Geoengineering should research CO2 of environment before and after we build the building . 100% helpful
Huynh Phu Dat Jul 6, 2014 10:08 ![]() | Proposal contributor
A little change ^^
Huynh Phu Dat Jul 7, 2014 04:49 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Hi Neeberg ,
Perhaps I finish editing process . About the main idea of this proposal , As - Is - States VS To be States , this is a way 1 Catalyst call this problem . A NET SUM story .
1 building destroy 100 trees to build , after we build the building , we must plant AT LEAST 100 trees right , overcome environmental damage , right ?
I hope you can understand .
Huynh .
Climate Colab Aug 6, 2014 12:27 ![]() |
Unfortuantely huynhphudat we cannot advance your proposal to the semifinals as part of the geoengineering contest. We see that you have submitted the same proposal to a number of contests. In the case of this contest, we were looking specifically for ideas or suggestions on how adverse environmental and political risks of doing research into geoengineering can be addressed. Your proposal did not look specifically at this issue and therefore we cannot advance it to the Judges for the next stage. We wish you luck in the other contests for which you have submitted the proposal. For next year we recommend that you keep your proposal short, sharp and to the point. Avoid using bold, colours or graphics unless you are sure that they are needed. This will help you communicate your proposal.