From desert to Green Gold in 5 years by BlueGreen2020
Morgan Ruelle Feb 13, 2015 07:38
Dear Vickneswaran,
Thank you for starting a proposal. As you develop this further, be sure to explain how it is related to this particular contest.
Thank you,
Natasha Udu-gama Apr 17, 2015 09:40
Hi Vickneswaran,
29 days until this contest ends! At this point, I would encourage you to start fine-tuning your proposal. We now have an amazing set of judges from the National Consortium for Atmospheric Research (Dr. Greg Holland), The University of Maryland (Dr. Surya Sharma), College of the Atlantic (Dr. Doreen Stabinsky) and The Lowlander Center (Dr. Kristina Peterson) not to mention, our two esteemed advisors. Please see:
I hope your proposal will wow them!
Best of luck!
Morgan Ruelle Apr 26, 2015 12:51
20 days left to iron out your proposal! Don’t forget to share with your networks to maximize discussion before the deadline! Click on "Share conversation" at the top of this page!
Morgan Ruelle May 1, 2015 09:20
15 days left to ensure all content on your proposal is as detailed and accurate as possible! Share your proposal on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or send an email to colleagues asking for comments on your ideas!
Morgan Ruelle May 13, 2015 06:23
3 days left until the judges will read through your proposal! Take this chance to invite others to weigh-in and ensure your proposal is as comprehensive and accurate as possible! Now is the time to make any last minute changes!