Switch The Track by GlobalTrackSwitchers
Michael Reading Apr 4, 2013 11:11 ![]() |
Hello PJ,
Thank you for your proposal and we look forward to seeing how it develops.
Pia Jensen Apr 4, 2013 01:35 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Thank you, Michael! Hoping for some team members. Will be thinking and collecting info for this again today.
David Nicholson Apr 6, 2013 09:56 ![]() |
Thanks PJ. It appears to me that most people become depressed when they realize that improvements like more insulation, better MPG and other changes will not stop global warming. The 1.4 trillion tons of CO2 that humans put into the air by burning fossil fuels during the last 200+ years is the real cause of global warming. The annual 35 billion tons added each year represents only a 2.5% increase. So any reduction of the 2.5% will have a tiny effect. A recent MIT report concludes that CO2 can be directly captured from the atmosphere, but using fossil fuels would be bad. Nuclear energy can do the job without adding more CO2. www.Skyscrubber.com shows how.
Pia Jensen Apr 6, 2013 11:22 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Actually, David, nuclear is not a viable carbon neutral source of energy production and in the end there is no viable solution for waste and the process feeds into war. So, to quote government adviser/expert in economic, Jeremy Rifkin - in order for nuclear energy to "combat" global warming, we would need to "build 3 nuclear power plants every thirty days for forty years" - that is not going to happen because the costs, liabilities and waste solutions do not compute.
Why would you put a nuke comment in this proposal section? Not an appropriate place for your nuclear pushing ways. Besides, MIT research produced a radiation study using mice and they presented findings based on seriously flawed research design. They cheated to push nuclear. Why would I embrace another MIT report, knowing that money from corporations and government shape research parameters?
Also, earth is not the only planet warming - all planets affected by the sun are warming.
Read up:
Jeremy Rifkin warns Europe: Don't repeat Obama's mistakes www.leadersmagazine.cz/2013/03/21/jeremy-rifkin-warns-europe-dont-repeat-obamas-mistakes/
The Foundation on Economic Trends: Jeremy Rifkin http://www.foet.org
Government admits nuclear power is a dead loss realfeed-intariffs.blogspot.com/2013/03/government-admits-nuclear-power-is-dead.html
Expert Estimates Billions in Excess Costs If Nuclear Power Projects Continue in Southeast www.motherearthnews.com/energy-matters/nuclear-power-projects-zb0z1303zpit.aspx#axzz2PgjteOOx
Ohio's Clean Energy Success Story The Clean Energy Law Three Years In www.environmentohio.org/reports/ohe/ohios-clean-energy-success-story
Success Stories and Case Studies on Siting Renewable Energy on Contaminated Land and Mine Sites www.epa.gov/oswercpa/successstories.htm
Germany Leads Way on Renewables, Sets 45% Target by 2030 www.worldwatch.org/node/5430
Facts show renewable energy success www.fierceenergy.com/story/facts-show-renewable-energy-success/2013-02-19
Sweden's Bioenergy Success Story www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/article/2013/03/swedens-bioenergy-success-story
Community Renewable Energy Success Stories: Exploring How Municipal Utilities Fund Solar Energy Projects www1.eere.energy.gov/office_eere/webinar_municipal_solar_text.html
Captain D Apr 6, 2013 05:52 ![]() |
Face it, you have to start somewhere and what better place than with first ourselves and then each other; the word will spread as folks "earn" bragging rights by sharing their own stories of how they saved energy and others realize that every little bit helps all of US enjoy a better quality of life on our spaceship called Earth!
As for David, nobody needs an infomercial for nuclear that does not cover the complete picture, there are many reasons the Germans are getting out of nuclear ASAP, and the USA and the rest of the Countries should follow their lead!.
Captain D Apr 6, 2013 09:38 ![]() |
I'd like to add that some thing in Word while others think in Excel, so here is a roadmap to Energy success:
1. Believe that CHANGE is possible.
2. Take responsibility to be part of the CHANGE process.
3. Make a personal decision to be part of the solution.
4. Explore new ways of doing "old" things and note improvements.
5. Share widely what you have learned, without fear of ridicule.
6. Retry, using what you have learned to make even more improvements.
7. Encourage others to share what they have learned about new ways of doing their OLD things.
8. Provide a "safe" discussion area where anyone can provide helpful suggestions.
9. Keep factual records of both successes and failures because they both are steps in the learning process.
10.Give the entire Group credit for any successes and then challenge them to take the next step by starting the process all over again.
Captain D Apr 6, 2013 09:22 ![]() |
These comments need an edit button ;^)
Pia Jensen Apr 7, 2013 07:11 ![]() | Proposal contributor
I see edit buttons today ... ;)
Pia Jensen Apr 7, 2013 07:46 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Capt, Do you have a reference or references to cite for the list above? Are these points based on organizational behavior research? Experience in group think? Something else? I'd like to provide references to as many thoughts like that as possible. I do agree. Do you want to send me some Excel files via email?
Captain D Apr 11, 2013 06:55 ![]() |
pj I wrote #6 myself at the keyboard, I think it is great that you asked me to forward the Excel files to you ;^)
BTW: I don't see any edit buttons, am I missing something?
Pia Jensen Apr 12, 2013 07:06 ![]() | Proposal contributor
curious, there are three buttons to right of the comment boxes at bottom - perhaps only the owner of the proposal gets the edit buttons.... I don't understand what you mean when you say you wrote #6....what is #6?
Mark Capron Apr 12, 2013 07:49 ![]() |
This concept sound ripe for a "judgewiki." I'll have to look up my explanation of a judgewiki.
Essentially it is a big spreadsheet wiki allowing people to change criteria weights to see what pops up.
Pia Jensen Apr 12, 2013 08:34 ![]() | Proposal contributor
interesting, thank you for that lead.. I'll go check out judgewiki, too :)
Pia Jensen Apr 12, 2013 09:07 ![]() | Proposal contributor
oh man.. that's really deep and comprehensive... pretty sure it would cause me to slide back into migraine mode due to the amount of computer time it would require (affecting injuries to my neck). But, I do find it interesting, especially
Knowledge Management/Documentation (Sphere) http://wiki.magicjudges.org/en/w/Knowledge_Management/Documentation_%28Sphere%29
James Greyson Apr 13, 2013 12:16 ![]() |
Yes, proposal owners can edit comments on proposals. Also moderators (like me). Have changed thing to think in comment #6 which may have been the issue?
Regards, James
For the CoLab
Pia Jensen Apr 13, 2013 03:24 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Sweet, thank you, James. Your attention on contest proposals is much appreciated! I hope the Capt has time to jump back in to help clarify more on his ideas. But, I know he is fairly preoccupied with San Onofre. Have been putting out invites to others to join, because the award does not matter so much to me as the quality and success of the proposal. Hoping for others to dive in with more ideas and refinements. :)
Mark Capron Apr 26, 2013 08:56 ![]() |
You mind-change sounds like a judgewiki. Google "judgewiki" and look for "Engineering: Turning Ideas Into Reality, Fourth Report of Session 2008-09 ...
By Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Innovation, Universities, Science and Skills Committee"
The concept is explained there. Feel free to excerpt text to fill out your contest entry, if this is making sense.
Pia Jensen Apr 27, 2013 12:06 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Thanks for your newest nudge on judgewiki, I googled and found this: http://books.google.co.cr/books?id=Yy8ObPPZpPAC&pg=PA629&lpg=PA629&dq=judgewiki+%22Engineering:+Turning+Ideas+Into+Reality,+Fourth+Report+of+Session+2008-09&source=bl&ots=DvGlPSyT0j&sig=qo4rHch1xRpsXKCwqGOqHbs8l1g&hl=en&sa=X&ei=SfZ7UbD5FKfO0wHD_4GgBQ&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=judgewiki%20%22Engineering%3A%20Turning%20Ideas%20Into%20Reality%2C%20Fourth%20Report%20of%20Session%202008-09&f=false
which explains judge wiki (pre judgewiki) and sorting tech, facilitating collaboration and more. When I first went onto judgewiki my head started hurting (have trouble since I fell on a floor and hurt my c-spine) but will go take another look at judgewiki for this specific reference as it does make sense.
Thank you.
Alrighty... not finding the reference in any of the judge wiki related sites
Engineering: Turning Ideas Into Reality, Fourth Report of Session 2008-09
is not found in
Judge Wiki (English)
wiki.magicjudges.org/ or
regular wiki or
The Wizards Community > Magic Judges > Wiki - One:Main
When googling: judge wiki and Engineering: Turning Ideas Into Reality, Fourth Report of Session 2008-09
there are several returns
but... none looks exactly like what you are directing me to.. I'll poke around there and see what I may find
okay... at judge wiki I searched for engineering technology solutions, no returns, then engineering technology, no results, and then, with just technology I see some results, will poke around there:
Pia Jensen Apr 27, 2013 12:29 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Marc - I get lost there ... I am here: http://wiki.magicjudges.org/en/w/Help:User_page and had tried to send a note to Tom to ask a couple questions but was directed to sign in ...
So, I guess I need to register an account with magic wiki? Please give me more guidance...
it's a very interesting concept, but, man, I am getting a bit confused. Should I be considering making a card game? Learning about Judge Conferences?
okay... I think I may be close... I searched for climate change solutions and there is no existing page - so, I gather I should go ahead and create a new page - which then becomes part of the judging realm ?... I wish there was a more simplified explanation of what the project is all about... so complex, so many links... deep breath
Mark Capron Apr 27, 2013 05:54 ![]() |
I found my old text describing a JudgeWiki and added it into my summary "JudgeWiki for 7 billion deciders." I would be happy to add it to yours, but was 7,500 characters. Feel free to excerpt pieces from mine to add to yours.
Just remembered I need to change to "anyone."
It appears magicjudges is a Text (like MSWord) wiki. I am talking about a spreadsheet (like Excel) wiki. Might help to know I'm a civil engineer. We use spreadsheets (matrix) as decision tools all the time. The spreadsheet can crunch the math and sort options using the "judges scores".
Pia Jensen Apr 27, 2013 06:02 ![]() | Proposal contributor
OK, but - what url is the wiki you keep referring to? Not yet found... though, I can think of ways to utilize the one I did find.
2013shiftingculturesjudges 2013shiftingculturesjudges Jul 2, 2013 01:09 ![]() |
Beyond the concept of increased dialogue, it would be great if the proposal was sharpened to make clearer what specifically would be done and why the concept is novel and promising.
Pia Jensen Jul 2, 2013 03:23 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Thank You for your comment!