Create a government sponsored bond marketplace spoofing the early 20th century "War Bonds" that funds residential solar installations.
Investors get safe, 30 year bond investments. Residential customers get an easy, low cost solar financing option. The planet gets a more resilient grid that avoids additional infrastructure investment costs, reduces capital expenditures for new generating capacity, and of course a reduction in CO2 production coupled with increased US energy independence.
Category of the action
Decarbonizing energy supply
What actions do you propose?
Government creates a bond marketplace in partnership with existing sites like Treasury Direct, Lending Club and owns the marketing. It might be financed through a management fee on the bonds instead of taxpayers.
Who will take these actions?
Government creates a bond marketplace in partnership with existing sites like Treasury Direct, Lending Club and owns the marketing. It might be financed through a management fee on the bonds instead of taxpayers.
Where will these actions be taken?
What are other key benefits?
What are the proposal’s costs?
Could be self-financed through a management fee on the bonds.
Time line
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