2013reducing Consumptionjudges Jul 2, 2013 09:08 ![]() |
Thank you for your unique proposal! The judges were intrigued, and have some feedback for you so that you might improve it:
One overall observation was that the proposal could stand to see more development in terms of depth of thought and concomitant length.
In addition, the feasibility of a project like this stuck out as a primary issue: how are you going to convince interested parties that this is practically do-able? How does it result in increased efficiencies?
Some thought that perhaps an alternate approach could be having gardeners for hire in suburbia, with the person being paid a flat rate per area and potentially a portion of production. A certain number of neighbors buying in to the program might be necessary to make it viable.
One judge also wondered about the energy expended moving around to small plots of land, but noted that this scheme may be applicable in specific communities where transportation and land use are suited to the solution.
2013reducing Consumptionjudges Jul 2, 2013 10:57 ![]() |
Apologies Fast Solution to Climate Change is on your Plate team, the previous comment was meant for another team and erroneously posted here.
The judges do want to thank you for your proposal as well!
Commentary included that your goal could be extremely influential. The judges would also like to see a more detailed explanation of how you are going to rely on education, and noted that education most likely would not be free.
In addition, judges would like to see distinction between a country's total meat consumption and per capita meat consumption.
As a first step, the judges suggest you develop a method for accurately quantifying the impact of meatless Mondays, taking in to account the number of people participating.
Best of luck!
Viv Null Jul 5, 2013 03:10 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Thank you for your comment.
According to research http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505123_162-44043274/how-a-shoestring-staff-with-a-minuscule-budget-turned-mondays-meatless/?tag=bnetdomain 18% of Americans are implementing Meatless Monday out of a population of 313 million. The decline has come in last 5 years to reduce US meat consumption by over 12% in those 5 years
Although China has surpassed the US in total meat consumption (double US consumption) http://www.earth-policy.org/plan_b_updates/2012/update102 whereas their per capita consumption is 1/2 of US. Hopefully China will not emulate the environmentally disastrous US model of livestock production.
Regarding cost, the meatless monday and other meatless advocates are part of a huge grassroots movement and have become a cultural force. The education has been done through the commitment of hundreds of online bloggers and writers across the globe and at no cost. I myself started a Meatless Monday blog in July of 2008..the first in US. It will be 5 years old this coming July.
It's important to continue growing the movement in order to make a more substantial contribution to reducing the short lived climate pollutants..so crucial now.
The future of our planet with growing population and the effects of climate change must be directed toward a more plant based diet.
Thank you for your consideration