Enabling adaptation strategies: knowing what works and what doesn't. by SEA Change CoP
Zak Accuardi Mar 20, 2013 12:27 ![]() |
Hi Dennis, thanks so much for all the work you've already put into your proposal. We look forward to your further contributions, and please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions as the contest continues.
Dennis Bours Mar 20, 2013 12:05 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Hi Zak,
My pleasure! We will showcase the Climate CoLab as well in next week's newsletter, so hopefully that will generate some more proposals coming your way.
Talking about 'coming your way'; is the Climate CoLab also organizing anything on campus? I'll be in Boston end of May, early June, and would be interested to know about climate change related events taking place in Boston / at MIT around that time.
Zak Accuardi Mar 22, 2013 02:27 ![]() |
Sounds great -- The CoLab does not have anything planned for that time as of now, but I will let you know if that changes. RE: climate events in Boston/MIT around that time, there are always events going on. I'll message you my email address, I would be happy to forward you a listing of relevant events if you send me a reminder once we get closer (1-2 weeks out) to the time of your visit.
2013enablingadaptationjudges 2013enablingadaptationjudges Jul 3, 2013 11:51 ![]() |
Thanks for your submission! We really appreciate the focus on reporting failure and think it’s a very noble goal. Additionally, the communities of practice approach is an interesting one in seeking collaboration across a diverse body of stakeholders. In future revisions, we would like to see a clearer vision of how COPs (or a specific COP? Existing? New?) contribute to your goals, for example by including a specific example or two of possible/existing applications, including the adaptation challenge(s) that your example addresses. We would also like to see all proposal authors anticipate some potential limitations of their approach or other challenges to implementation, then discuss potential strategies for meeting those challenges. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Dennis Bours Jul 8, 2013 12:06 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Thank you for feedback, giving great elements for critical reflection! I will further streamline the submission, taking into account your valuable comments!
Dennis Bours Jul 31, 2013 01:33 ![]() | Proposal contributor
Dear judges,
Great to hear the proposal has been taken forward! The proposal would not result in evaluations and all actions are described under the header "What actions do you propose?".
The actions would focus on learning from evaluations by sharing and discussion evaluation results and use them in developing knowledge materials that can be used for evidence-informed decision-making on climate change adaptation interventions.
The development of such knowledge materials, and the identification for specific knowledge needs, would take place through the Community members, collaborative partnerships with other actors and the wider field of climate knowledge brokers.
Other points are to change people's mindset towards evaluation learning and reporting on failure will have a positive effect well beyond the field of climate change adaptation.
Second point would be to mend the disconnect between academic research and climate change practitioners, by developing cross-pollenation between the academic world and people implementing on the ground.
And at the same time we can learn about what works and what doesn't towards knowledge brokerage, information dissemination and knowledge generation through communities of practice. This information can be used in other fields where learning is taking place through networks and communities of practice.