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Enabling financial institutions and their clients to confidently make informed investment decisions that will move energy capital forward.



Energy policy information is widely fragmented across federal, state, and local government agencies.  Policy-related factors, such as production and investment tax credits can impact investment decisions and support development of renewable energy technology.  Comprehensive, organized, and up-to-date energy policy information is essential to expedite the process of shifting power generation from conventional coal-fired power plants to cleaner energy sources.  By making government data more organized and accessible, it will be possible to promote innovation and investment in the renewable energy industry.

Category of the action

Reducing emissions from electric power sector.

What actions do you propose?


Our project, EnerKnol, is an online clearinghouse that will aggregate in real-time all federal, state, and local policies and regulations affecting the renewable energy industry.  The software will monitor and collect renewable energy and environment-related policy filings and information directly from government data feeds.  The system will provide advanced indexing and search functionality, enabling users to efficiently access renewable energy and energy efficiency incentive and policy information.  Selected filters such as technology, incentive type, zip code, expiry date, customer type, financial incentive type, and policy type will direct the search.  EnerKnol will generate custom charts according to search criteria and filters, and engage users with clickable maps and wizards that present incentive information and calculate potential savings based on location input.

The mission of EnerKnol is to remove the market barrier represented by disorganized and fragmented renewable energy policy and incentive information.  By providing transparent renewable energy policy information, the software will drive innovation and investment across the energy industry, helping renewables play a leading role in meeting future U.S. energy needs.

EnerKnol will provide energy industry investors with better access to the information needed to facilitate growth in the domestic renewable energy industry.  They will be able to navigate regulatory policies affecting power generation and better understand the short, medium, and long term advantages of investing in renewables and divesting in coal-fired power plants. 

Who will take these actions?


Product Development: Energy Solutions Forum

Investment Decisions: Financial investors

Where will these actions be taken?


Product Development: New York City

Investment Decisions: all over the US

How much will emissions be reduced or sequestered vs. business as usual levels?

This software will divert investments from traditional energy sectors to alternative energy ones.

What are other key benefits?


EnerKnol will also enable policy makers to more efficiently research and analyze policies and initiatives enacted by other domestic entities, increasing the replication of good practices across the country.

What are the proposal’s costs?


Product Development:

EnerKnol can be developed over the course of one year.  The project team will work part-time for this project and consist of one (1) project coordinator, two (2) policy experts, two (2) software developers, one (1) IT- lead developer, and one (1) government data scientist consultant.

Total Cost:  $240,000

Time line

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