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The patented MIklos Technology offers two results: no more gases, and a great business.



Category of the action

Reducing emissions from electric power sector.

What actions do you propose?

To stablish connection with the producers in order to build an agreement that will allow to stop sending gases into the atmosphere and creat a link of a very profitable business

Who will take these actions?

Carbon Click, S. A., a new mexican enterprise devoted to stop the contamination through the GIE, and the factories and producers that are sending them into de atmosphere

Where will these actions be taken?

Anywhere where a factory is established and wants to contribute to a world without GIE

How much will emissions be reduced or sequestered vs. business as usual levels?

A 100% in every chimney that has our technology: 0 gases

What are other key benefits?

To produce carbonates that are very demanded in almost all industrial processes, like glass, textiles, paint, paper, cement, etc. Prices will be less and quality will be the best. 

What are the proposal’s costs?

The minmal size of our plant requires 10,000 M3/h gases and costs $US800,000 and the profit if it will produce Calcium Carbonate, for example, is estimated in 56% in les than 10 months. It can be escalated and produce other carbonates, like  lithium for lithium batteries, for example.

Time line

From the firm of the contract to start production, 10 months or less.

Related proposals

To support other similar actions that will let us, all of us, to live in a cleaner and safer world. 


Doctor Tomás Miklos, mexican chemist, who created and registered the Miklos Technology, is a very well known scientist who just wanted to contribute with a chemical solution to the pollution problem. You may refer to him in google or any other internet engine search