Low Cost Smart Passive Systems by smart passive
Smart passive systems reduce HVAC generated GHG emissions by improved performance comparing exterior and interior conditions in real time.
The reduction of energy consumption in the building sector is usually addressed by installing energy efficient appliances, windows, lighting, air conditioners, and building a tighter, better insulated envelope. But architects can also accomplish very much by using smart passive cooling or heating systems integrated in the building enveloped that can regulate energy flows to cool or heat a building naturally. The performance of time proven and tested passive cooling systems can be further improved using a smart controller that monitors and compares exterior climate and interior building conditions in real time to adjust the operation of the passive system and maintain indoor temperatures within specified parameters.
Architectural science has perfected the calculation techniques involved in the design of passive cooling systems so that it is now possible to design them with more precision. Making these systems “smart” by using a microcomputer-controller, which could be available commercially as a thermostat. This thermostat monitors user specified building and climate conditions and compares them in real time, using logical rules, to adjust the operation of the passive system and maintain indoor temperatures within specified parameters. This is an innovative alternative to simply “improving” conventional cooling or heating systems; it moves towards developing a new component, product of combining traditional proven systems with current technology. It is a paradigm change.
These systems can be implemented in developed and developing countries, where families can incorporate these inexpensive low technology local-built or even self-built systems in their dwellings to achieve thermal comfort. Since these systems can be built using local labor and resources, they generate income that stays in the community.
Category of the action
Building efficiency, Social Action
What actions do you propose?
Testing of smart passive systems in buildings.
Including smart passive systems in existing buildings
Including smart passive systems in new designs
Development of micro industries to fabricate them
Who will take these actions?
Testing of smart passive systems in buildings: universities and national laboratories
Including smart passive systems in existing buildings: federal, state and city entities
Including smart passive systems in new designs: architects, developers and homeowners
Non government agencies
Where will these actions be taken?
Testing of smart passive systems in buildings: in research facilities in universities and national laboratories
Including smart passive systems in existing buildings: in communities around the world
Including smart passive systems in new designs:in architectural firms around the world
Working with communities to integrate the systems: difference grass roots organizations that work directly with communities
How much will emissions be reduced or sequestered vs. business as usual levels?
If fully implemented by about 30%. Energy used for heating and cooling will be significantly reduced or even eliminated in many climates.
What are other key benefits?
Substituting conventional mechanical heating and cooling systems with Passive Heating and Cooling Systems will help to create a building more connected with the environment and its natural rhythms. Since passive systems already exist in some traditional buildings, improving their performance could help preserve endangered buildings, while the implementation of smart systems in new buildings would help to develop contemporary architecture that maintains traditional values and is respectful of its environment. These systems can be implemented in developed and developing countries, using local labor and resources, generating income that stays in the community.
This is an innovative alternative to simply “improving” conventional cooling or heating systems; it moves towards developing a new component, that is the product of combining traditional proven systems with current technology. It is a paradigm change.
What are the proposal’s costs?
Smart Passive cooling and heating systems are much cheaper that conventional mechanical heating and cooling systems. However, there is research and testing that must be done.
Time line
Refining prototype design 3 months
Prototype Testing: 12 months
Prototype testing in full size buildings 12 months
Development of pilot plan for community testing 12 months (can happen while testing prototypes)
Testing in communities and development of micro industries 12 months (can happen while testing prototypes)
Related proposals
This is a broad proposal that includes many sub systems that I have tested: smart evaporative cooling systems, smart variable Insulation Green Roofs, smart radiant cooling systems, smart ventilation and shading systems. The applicability of these depends on specific climate conditions as indicated in the chart.
Allard F., Santamouris, M., 1998. Natural Ventilation in Buildings a Design Handbook, James and James Science Publishers, London, UK.
Blondeau P., Sperandio, M., Allard, F., 2002. Night Ventilation for Building Cooling in Summer. Solar Energy, Vol 61 N 5 pp327-335, 1997.
Cook, J., 1989. Passive Cooling, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT Press.
Givoni B., 1994. Passive and Low Energy Cooling of Buildings, Van Nostrand Reinhold. 262 p.
Givoni B, 1998. Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 464 pp.
Givoni B., La Roche P., 2001, Modeling Radiant Cooling Systems for Developing Countries. ISES World Conference. Adelaide, Australia
La Roche P., Milne M., 2002, “Effects of Thermal Parameters in the Performance of an Intelligent Controller for Ventilation”, American Solar Energy Society Conference ASES
La Roche P and Givoni B., 2002, “The Effect of Heat Gain on the Performance of a Radiant Cooling System” Conference, Toulouse, France.
La Roche P., Milne M., 2003, Effects of Window Size and Mass on Thermal Comfort using an Intelligent Ventilation Controller. American Solar Energy National Conference
La Roche P., Milne M., 2004, Automatic Sun Shades, an Experimental Study, American Solar Energy National Conference, Portland
La Roche P., Milne M., 2004, Effects of Window Size and Mass on Thermal Comfort using an Intelligent Ventilation Controller. “Solar Energy” Number 77, p 421-434.
La Roche P and Givoni B. 2001, Incidence of the Distribution of Mass in the Air Temperature of a Simple Roof Radiator. PLEA 2001 Florianopolis, Brazil. (2001) P 803-807
La Roche P., Milne M., 2003. Effects of Shading and Amount of Mass in the Performance of an Intelligent Controller for Ventilation. ASES 2002
La Roche, P., Givoni, B., 2002. The effect of heat gains on a radiant cooling system. PLEA 2002 Conference, Toulouse, France.
Santamouris, D.N. Asimakopoulos (Eds), 1996. Passive Cooling of Buildings, James and James Science Publishers, London UK.