Recycle newspapers into household insulation using no toxic chemicals, adhesives, or resins
In order to reduce landfill waste, the use of fossil fules in hauling material, and the use of toxic chemicals and adhesives, daily newspapers could be collected, shressed, and pressed into insulation boards. Boards could be made into modular units which could then be used in standard building construction.
Category of the action
Building efficiency, Social Action
What actions do you propose?
Collect used newspapers
Shed newspapers into pulp
Press pulp into board
Use board to Insulate House
Who will take these actions?
Individual homeowners and communities of recyclers
Where will these actions be taken?
In developed and developing countries
How much will emissions be reduced or sequestered vs. business as usual levels?
Hauling waste
Landfilling, Incinerating, or Refabricating existing material
Chemical or toxins in manufactured building insulation
What are other key benefits?
Reduce waste to landfill
Building social community around recycling
Low cost, easy to fabricate product could be used in developing communites and neighborhoods around the world.
What are the proposal’s costs?
Insulation product development
Designing product production process
Research of environmentally sensivite adhesives
Organizing municipal paper collection