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Note: All CoLab members are invited to help with this proposal.

Executive summary

In this proposal, the world begins in 2020 to move toward stabilizing emissions at 2005 levels by 2050.

The chief advantages of such a proposal is its conceptual simplicity.



What: Actions and impacts

Will also require substantial financial transfers, using both Clean Development Mechanism and actual flow of funds and tech transfer.

For more on this issue, see Financial transfers in climate negotiations

Why: Rationale for the proposal


Explanation for why these actions and impacts are desirable.

How: Feasibility of proposal

Will require 3 key things: 

- rapid adoption of renewables worldwide

- major investments in efficiency

- adoption of volutary simplicity in the industrial countries.

Still needed:

Explanation of how the proposed actions will be achieved. Teams are encouraged, but not required, to use subheadings in this section, such as:

  • Future energy technology mix
  • New policies and political mobilization that will lead to their enactment
  • Social and behavioral change

Vision of the future under this proposal


Depictions of the future that will result from this plan. This section can include artistic representations of what life will be like later this century, using such media as videos, images, or narratives.