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Shifting behavior for a changing climate 2014

VIEW Proposals
Proposal creation

CoLab members create proposals

Mar 9, 2014 08:00 EDT - Jul 20, 2014 11:59 EDT
Semi-Finalist selection
Expert judges select semi-finalists

Jul 21, 2014 12:00 EDT - Aug 5, 2014 08:00 EDT
Proposal revisions
Semi-finalists can improve their proposals

Aug 5, 2014 08:01 EDT - Aug 16, 2014 11:59 EDT
Finalist selection
Expert judges select finalists

Aug 16, 2014 08:00 EDT - Sep 3, 2014 12:59 EDT
Voting period
Public Voting Period

Sep 3, 2014 12:00 EDT - Oct 2, 2014 12:00 EDT
Winners awarded
Winners are announced for the Judges’ and Popular Choice Awards

Oct 2, 2014 12:01 EDT
How can we shift perceptions, values, norms, and attitudes to inspire individuals and institutions to take action on climate change?

Climate change is a big deal. Unfortunately, the seriousness and scale of the problem can sometimes create complexity, confusion, indecision, and ultimately, inaction. Behavior is shaped to a large extent by the dominant values, social norms, and attitudes of our society, but these forces aren’t well-aligned to the long-term, often subtle impacts of climate change. To combat this global problem, we need your ideas: How do we shift public perceptions of climate change? How do we promote concrete pro-environmental norms and attitudes? How do we turn inertia into action and encourage people to live more sustainably? How do we get the public energized in solving climate change? We're looking for proposals that are fresh, innovative, and ACHIEVABLE -- ideas that are sustainable over the long term, and can be replicated in communities around the world. Click here for contest details

53 Proposals
Digitally archive individual and community climate change narratives and shape those narratives into performance pieces to change attitudes.
Fossil fuel divestment campaigns shift public opinion, empower young organizers, and generate sociopolitical willpower for climate action.
With iCarbon, selecting the businesses and activities with the lowest CO2 emissions just got easier! Know their score and take action!
Normative is an app for ethical consumption. By scanning your purchase, Normative visualize its and your own impact on the world.
Engaging small businesses: a sustainable route to change. Making the case that action on climate change is good for business and the planet.
FutureCoast: a fun storymaking game with voicemails leaked from climate-changed futures. They appear in our time as mysterious “chronofacts”
Current financial markets trade-off risk vs. return. We need a third dimension that allows to also trade-off return vs. sustainability.
Providing educational value within product branding has become the norm. Strongly branding mitigation related products is discribed below.
Leaf burning was banned in 1970 to stop global cooling and it worked. Now we use diesel to truck plastic bags to landfills. Burn leaves!
NIMBY Land is in search of an abundant energy source with a sustainable, elegant footprint. Let’s hold a ball to find our Energy Cinderella.
We are lobbying cities to pass laws that would require climate change warning labels on gas pump nozzles. The idea is a catalyst for change.
Climate CoLab Pizza allows small dollar donations to pay for a breakfast, lunch or dinner for a small number of people at any green event.
To address global warming there must be a shift in thinking and behavior that motivates people and organizations.
A climate leave is the employee’s time off from work in an organization to care for the Earth through involvement in environmental projects.
Motivate voluntary carbon offsets with cryptocurrency
What if it were cool to care about climate change? What if we branded climate change in a way that inspires hope and empowerment? #codeblue
Create Competition among Countries, Companies,and NGO's, through Publicizing Improvements Made!!!
Creating responsible energy consumption habits in the enterprises by employees.
Eco-posters – promoting ideas for sustainability, responsibility and happiness
Improve the odds of political support by engineering a more moderate and responsive Congress through minority party redistricting.
Little is known about environmental attitudes of South Africans. I aim to humanise research by actively collaborating with my participants.
Planet Earth desperately needs elite individuals and groups to find the common ground we need to move innovation and preservation forward!
Create an itneractive platform, where similar climate change impacts and solutions can be shared and the world can raise a voice as one.
Let’s engage millions of Internet and mobile players in climate action: reduce your emissions, earn “in-game” currency and spend it on fun!
Great March for Climate Action, 3,000 miles from LA-DC, changes American hearts/minds & our elected leaders calling for climate action now.
Together we can fight climate change through small scale, community based and transparent sustainability projects
Humanity is driven by narratives. Artists creating the 'imagination' of climate change and resilience need to go maintstream
Knowledge combined with the capacity for people to act and a built-environment that facilitates this capacity can produce behaviour change
What kids learn at school gets shared at home and in social media. Inspire our youth, see change spread at warp speed!
Spread low carbon ecofriendly life style throughout house sharing platform specialized in low carbon emitting housing(Light Home).
The industrial era is over, the ideal man of 1920's consumer should draw to a close, with a new role-model created for a new century.
Get people to work together by motivating them as groups, not individuals.
Change attitudes through collective action on climate change - a petition for a worldwide referendum on a global carbon tax
Through ongoing, short, funny, shareable videos, we engage viewers with climate news, science, and empower them with easy actions.
Work collaboratively to increase Scientific knowledge . No lasting change can occur without an increase in the education of all people.
appeal to the us versus them approach used in the last several conflicts to gain opinion shift.
A transition of competitive sports and recreational land use to games with a goal of local sustainability.
Energy is wasted by overheating/cooling homes/offices. Live/work at the most economic/comfortable temperature with an intelligent ComfoMeter
A behavioral change for economists - stop discounting our future climate
Shifting from negative and punishing approach to a more positive and rewarding approach. No one is excitingly racing to "reducing".
Provide measures to people so that they can make smart decisions in their buying process and have an effective impact on climate change
We're looking to get solutions from Climate Conferences; are surprised when they (always) fail. We forget the Conflict of Interest there!
We should all read Gordon Quinn: Return to the Real and start building a society based on creating decentralized artificial communities
Put a dollar into the Future Box for each dollar you spend on gas, oil and coal and it will help you leave the fossil age behind in no time!
We need a WWII-scale climate mobilization. The Pledge to Mobilize is a political platform and social movement strategy to get us there.
Celebrate Sustainability, Resilience & Diversity by Fostering Community Collaboration by breaking down Silos through a shared Knowledge Map.
Assist with creating 1000 Community Visioning Initiatives to maximize citizen participation and accelerate solution-oriented activity
Smartphones present a platform for implementing a shift in attitudes towards climate change by interfacing apps with existing technology.
A cultural intervention and community competition that brings fun and creativity to the serious work of wholesale systems transformation.
When people will start using WE more than they use I,then the big changes will come.