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Regional CO2 emissions

Allows users to enter inputs that descibe regional/national emission reduction policies, projects regional/national emissions under those policies, and calculates national/regional and global emissions.

Policies can be simulated for the 2010-2100 time period.

Input variables
C-LEARN users can enter inputs that describe a single kind of policy:

* Percentage emissions reductions in target year vs. baseline year

C-ROADSs allows inputs that describe three additional kinds of policies:

* Percentage annual reduction in emissions from start year to end of policy * Policies based on emission intensity targets (emissions per unit of GDP) * Policies that seek national/regional convergence in per capital emissions or emission intensity

Key assumptions

* Historical emissions/GDP and forecasted future population/GDP from data sources listed in C-LEARN attributes * National groupings listed in C-ROADS Simulator Reference Guide. C-LEARN allows for 3 regional groupings (Developed Countries, Rapidly Developing Countries, Other Developing Countries), while C-ROADS allows testing of policies with 3, 7, or 15 regional groupings.

Output variables
* Future national/regional emissions * Future global emissions (feeds into Carbon cycle module) * Future national/regional emissions per capita * Future national/regional emissions intensity