Contest Winners
& Awardees
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Grand Prize Winner |

Danielle Dahan
Improve Building Energy Performance: Green Job Skills Training by danielledahan
“"As high performance green buildings increase in complexity," Dahan writes in her proposal, "we need to give building technicians the skills to maintain buildings and achieve high performance energy goals." The curriculum, when in full motion, is projected to save 111 million metric tons of carbon each year in the United States alone.
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Honorable Mentions |

Adele Morris
A Carbon Tax in Pro-Growth Fiscal Reform by adelemorris
Adele Morris is a fellow and policy director of the Climate and Energy Economics Project at the Brookings Institution. She proposed a carbon tax that creates pro-growth tax reform, while also protecting the poor and reducing the deficit.

Anne-Marie Soulsby and Mandolin Dotto Kahindi
A Collaborative Solutions Communication Platform by jlgula
The proposal presents Tunza Kwa Faida (Benefits for All), a platform that combines a radio show and two-way text messaging to help coastal Tanzanians increase their resilience to climate change.
Job Taminiau, Gordon Schweitzer, Kathleen Saul and Sardar Mohazzam
Democratic Finance: Energy Of the People, By the People, For the People by alex7728
The group from the United States, Netherlands, and Pakistan proposed installing community-funded solar projects on unused federal rooftop space, which, they predict could mitigate millions of tons of CO2 emissions.
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Global Contests |

Settle the carbon debt and release the power of example! by Jan Kunnas
I suggest how to leave the dispute about historical responsibility for climate change behind and unleash the power of example.

Carbon-Free, Fast by Dennis Peterson
An aggressive approach that doesn't break the bank.
Contests |

Stop Groundwater Plan - Save $8 Billion by Majdi & Manaugh
Systems thinking leads to a regional desalination plan to replace a narrowly conceived, costly and destructive groundwater pumping plan.

Future mangroves by Poh Poh Wong
Mangroves to address sea level rise and coastal erosion.

Municipal adaptation strategy to climate change in Costa Rica by Sergio A. Molina-Murillo
Implementation of climate strategy at Municipal level by empowering and training local actors with focus on agriculture and water resources.

COFA: Climate Optimized Fenestrations for Buildings in Developing Nations by Prof. Pradeep Kini
Climate adaptive energy conserving commercial building envelopes with analytical tool COFA:Climate Optimized Fenestration Assembly.

Improve Building Energy Performance: Green Job Skills Training by Danielle Dahan
As high performance green buildings increase in complexity, technicians need the skills to maintain buildings and achieve energy goals.

Passive Architectural Design Index: A benchmark for passive building techniques by Sriraj Gokarakonda
Unless sufficiency is addressed with same rigour as efficiency, energy usage is inadvertently increased resulting in a rebound effect.

Food bikes: the low capital, low footprint alternative to food trucks by John Romankiewicz
Food bikes are the low capital, low footprint alternative to food trucks, bringing positive economic and community development.

Grocery Carbon-Coloured Shelving by Hannah Ritchie
Design a coloured shelving system for grocery products based on carbon footprint,to help consumers make better-informed choices.

"Save the Baby" Global Data Commons for Baby Care by Chika Kuroda
Save the Baby: Global Data Commons created by digitized maternal and infant health record for disaster risk management.

We Are Ready (WAR) by Pooran Prasad Rajanna
We Are Ready is a platform to crowd source disaster info, send disaster alerts, plan evacuation, track people & identify medical needs.

Turn your phone into a virtual power plant and get paid to optimize your energy. by Matt Duesterberg
Pay people to use less electricity at key moments when their energy is coming from the grid's most carbon-intensive power plants.

Path To Zero - Energy Supply by BAS Nederland, Arash Aazami
Bring cities to energy independence through carbon, energy and cost neutrality.

STRAUT Aero: Solar Hot Air Generator by STRAUT, Sharad Parekh
STRAUT AERO Innovative design solar hot air gen. massive potential 4 addressng industrial process heat req. economic wthout subsidies.

fulFILL: A delivery service for household products without wasteful packaging by fulFILL
fulFILL aims to combat the waste epidemic by revolutionizing the way we consume common household products.

Synergies of Reforestation & Community Empowerment in Kenya by The Kijani Team, Tobias Lohse
Reforestation as convergence of climate change mitigation and adaptation with socioeconomic well-being and ecological restoration.

Visualizing climate-changed futures with serious play by FutureCoast, Ken Eklund
FutureCoast: a fun storymaking game with voicemails leaked from climate-changed futures. They appear in our time as mysterious chronofacts.

Fossil fuel divestment: Building a social movement for collective climate action by Fossil Free MIT, Geoffrey Supran
Fossil fuel divestment campaigns shift public opinion, empower young organizers, and generate sociopolitical willpower for climate action.

Batteries on the move for a more efficient world by Lance Noel of eRev
eRev finances V2G-capable electric vehicles so they provide grid storage, generate revenue, and cost less than traditional vehicles.

Pollution meter by Shenbagarajan Pandiarajan
Pollution prediction meter in automobiles & display panels over the roads + Emissions trading.

Sno-Caps: The People's Cap-And-Trade by Sno-Caps Team, James D'Angelo
Employing a new form of scalable regulation, we can launch a global cap-and-trade today that sidesteps politics and incentivizes the masses.

A Carbon Tax in Pro-Growth Fiscal Reform by Adele Morris
Use a carbon tax for pro-growth tax reform, protecting the poor, deficit reduction, and reducing less efficient policies.

The Little Engine That Could: Revenue Neutral Carbon Fee and Dividend by CitizensClimateLobby
A revenue neutral, steadily rising fee on GHG emissions will steer the economy to a clean energy future and establish US climate leadership.

Cement Production is the 4th global fossil carbon emission activity and it´s time to reduce and recycle debris for healthy environment.

Using Biogas Technology To Improve Sanitation And Mitigate Climate Change by Osero Shadrack Tengeya
Uncontrolled greenhouse gas emission from sewage waste will be reduced by using simple technology like utilizing this waste in making biogas.
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Partner Contests |

A collaborative solutions communication platform by Anne-Marie Soulsby
Solutions platform users collaboratively share adaptations to improve livelihoods & increase coastal Tanzanian's climate change resilience.

The world according to CLIVE (CoastaL Impact Visualization Environment) by Adam Fenech
CLIVE allows citizens to visualize 3D sea-level rise and storm surge scenarios at local community scales using past data and IPCC models.

Path To Zero - Transforming energy inefficient buildings to green buildings by BAS Nederland, Arash Aazami
Bring cities to energy independence through carbon, energy and cost neutrality.

GreenUp - Engaging communities to build green & resilient cities in India by Aditi Sen
A crowdsourcing platform that provides funds and educational resources to encourage adoption of green infrastructure practices in cities.

Democratic Finance: Energy Of the People, By the People, For the People by The Energy Commons, Job Taminiau
A people-funded green energy revolution that reconnects people to energy and repositions the US as a global leader.

Climate Change is Elementary: Huge Green Fundraiser for Schools by Dave Finnigan
Kids promote the program. Vendors selling green products automatically give discounts to parents and rebates to PTAs for family purchases.

Make Our Economic Reasoning Consistent with Intergenerational Justice by Timothy Damon
Empower youth to advocate for a just valuation of their future in the economics of climate change, thus unlocking ambitious climate action.

Indicators for Sustainability by TierraVida, Marina Mansilla Hermann
Building a youth-led citizen movement to address climate change from the bottom-up.