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Circular Economy, Economie circulaire 2018

VIEW Proposals
Proposal creation

CoLab members create proposals

Jan 11, 2018 04:00 EST - Apr 1, 2018 08:00 EDT
Semi-Finalist selection
Expert judges select semi-finalists

Apr 1, 2018 08:00 EDT - Apr 15, 2018 08:00 EDT
Proposal revisions
Semi-finalists can improve their proposals

Apr 15, 2018 08:00 EDT - May 6, 2018 08:00 EDT
Finalist selection
Expert judges select finalists

May 6, 2018 08:00 EDT - May 13, 2018 08:00 EDT
Voting period
Public Voting Period

May 13, 2018 08:00 EDT - Jun 15, 2018 12:00 EDT
Winners are awarded

Jun 15, 2018 12:00 EDT
What projects, initiatives, technologies or strategies can support cities in their transition towards a circular economy?

Cities are at the center of global economic growth, and account for 70 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. The main factors influencing GHG emissions in urban areas include activities at the heart of the urban economy and consumption habits of citizens. In order to maintain high economic growth rates, increase productivity and new business investments, while at the same time reduce emissions, the Ville de Montréal and many other cities are working to transition towards a circular economy.


As part of the ICLEI World Congress 2018, the Ville de Montréal and ICLEI are seeking innovative solutions!




Quels projets, initiatives, technologies ou stratégies peuvent accompagner des quartiers ou villes dans leur transition vers une économie circulaire?

Les villes sont au centre de la croissance économique mondiale et sont responsables des deux tiers des émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre. Parmi les principaux facteurs influençant les niveaux d’émissions de GES en milieu urbain figurent le type d’activités économiques au cœur de l’économie urbaine et les habitudes de consommation des citoyens. Afin de maintenir un taux de croissance économique élevé, une productivité accrue et de nouveaux investissements commerciaux tout en réduisant leurs émissions, la Ville de Montréal et plusieurs autres villes travaillent à la transition vers une économie circulaire.


Dans le cadre du Congrès mondial ICLEI 2018, la Ville de Montréal et ICLEI sont à la recherche de solutions innovantes!

43 Proposals
RecyApp is a App that allow connect enterprise , families with recyclers to make recycle process.
Our low-cost aquaponic prototype is set to scale-up. It empowers vulnerable communities to face climate change and post-conflict challenges.
Montreal's urban metabolism open-source platform, based on crowdsourced data to monitor the city's progress towards a circular economy.
Converting urban solid wastes into compost forms will have social, economic and environmental benefits; and helps to reduce GHG emissions
Interactive Indo-German ICT platform for promoting learning, service exchange & research for waste management & recycling in urban cities
By minimizing material and energy waste, and maximizing trust, we transform the economy from linear to circular via ZW BlockChain accounting
Optimized model for habitation with a high quality of life and general human health as a means to fossil-fuel-free habitation.
harnesses the power of urban communities to reclaim neighborhoods from unmanaged waste using a crowd sourced rewards-for-recycling
We provide clean energy for urban buildings for heating and cooling using Tap water and additional energy tools and reduce GHG emissions.
Creating a Plastics Commission for Measurement and Management of Plastic Packaging
Planning for a model cooperative of respectful members to subsidize promotion, implantation & use of Respect Of Speed Efficient (ROSE) cars.
Access utility-scale power on-demand and save up to 50% of costs on- and of-the-grid.
Magnomer magnetic markers are inexpensively applied to rigid plastic packaging enabling automated segregation of single-stream recyclables.
Access financial and non-financial services at negligible cost wherever you are, whenever you want.
Add value to all your waste and get rewards wherever you are, whenever you want.
Decrease local VMT's, improve health, & increase local spending with app featuring social engagement, gamification, and community currency.
Saathi has developed a 100% biodegradable all-natural sanitary pad from banana tree fiber to prove a cradle to cradle manufacturing model.
A circular model of waste management in cities will facilitate diversion of collected waste from disposal sites to recycling practices.
Local Colors is a user generated research framework to empower communities to produce low impact, clay based paints, using local mine waste.
Pyrolysis is used turn low value waste plastic into fuel in the form of gas, liquid & solid by heating them in the absent of oxygen.
A new and own energy system that could form the basis of a functioning circular economy
Sparking movement through digital innovation utilizing Persuasive Technology as a way to obtain circular economy.
Turning rubble into socioeconomic development opportunity for vulnerable communities around the world, creating new products and services.
Disruptive 0E energy tech works better than fossil/nuclear at a better value, based on a new, previously undocumented aspect of physics.
Municipal level awareness and motivated multi stakeholders cluster circulars web in to rethink their sustainable living and GHG reduction.
Decrease input power in electric generating and increase electric power production will decrease GHG emissions in increase economic growth.
Use collective intelligence to orchestrate cooperation that makes city-level circular economy initiatives essentially self-funding at scale.
Deforestation for the purpose of woodcharcoal is creating huge environmental problem in Sierra Leone and Africa and other part of the world.
Foster economic empowerment and to discard plastic waste from landfills as well as to mitigate climate change
Rain water harvesting and use from roofs of urban apartment is one approach to solving the growing water scarcity in many world cities
Social enterprise which recycles materials to build solar water heaters, mainly for showers and publishes improved ways to manufacture them.
Cultiver Montréal est un moteur de développement socioéconomique qui engage les citoyens dans le secteur bioalimentaire local.
Industries have to make use of microorganism which use up the green house gases produced by industries so as to foster friendly gases
Policy guidance roadmap for the open governance ecosystem, promoting the development of the city through participation and collaboration.
O projeto é realização de campanha para coleta resíduo (eletrônicos) que é contaminantes e também estão cada vez mais escassos no planeta.
This project will help to enhance the income of waster pickers by establishing PET bottle collecting hub where they can directly sell PET.
Communities leak land value via mortgages and absentee owners. Hence they can’t afford green ways. Some towns quit leaking by taxing land.
Résidence urbaine écologique (serre sur le toit, autonomie alimentaire, gestion des eaux pluviales et lutte contre les îlots de chaleur)
Why do not think in a improved WWTP that is decentralized, has low emission of GHG, better OPEX and meets the suggested process from UN?
Any item/material that has reached the end of their use must be sold cheaply to anyone who can find an economic/sustainable use for it.
A chemical free and energy conserving technology to recycle and transform plastic garbage into plastic timber for building and construction
Resources that are used in city area can be recycled. We can elongate the self-life of services being used so as to obtain standard of life.
I am concerned on how to turn School Transportation Green for more sustainable life.