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Perry Grossman

May 16, 2016


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Seems like a great idea. I think it could be spelled out more, with a clearer summary comparing it to a feed-in tariff example.

Is it worth mentioning the failed PPA for Cape Wind. Seems like politics block that, which led to the failed PPA:

You mention some real challenges:

-Net metering

-Fixed cost allocation

-Monitoring and administration costs

These are super big issues.

Could you elaborate on possible ways to address them?

Slight typo here:

“In MA this type of neighbor to neighbor transaction can be done through a policy called virtual net metering, however the practice is note common.”

There are a few other typos.

I hope you can get people to work on this.


Perry Grossman

Jun 10, 2016


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Congratulations on making the semi-finals.

Could you provide some example to back up this assertion:

"The commercial site has negotiated a behind-the-meter PV array that will support their business but the cost of capital it too high given local banks lack of familiarity, and a lack of credit history for the business."

Perry Grossman

Jun 10, 2016


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Could you explain more about how this would happen.

Would it be state, through the PUC, or the utility.

How would the PUC undertake this?

What would be needed to get the utility to do this? New legislation?



"The state government, acting through PUC and perhaps local utility, agrees to be the offtaker of last resort for 50GWh of solar at a price set slightly below the current retail rate."

Perry Grossman

Jun 10, 2016


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Would additional smart grid capabilities be needed to manage excess supply?

E.g. recently in Germany.

Also in Chile: