CO2 Soil Sequestration via Plant Root Mass Using a Renewable Abiotic EPS by Larson Growth Ind.
Oliver Sellers-garcia May 28, 2015 05:19
This is very interesting--thanks for your proposal. We'd love to see more information in the other sections. You might also consider that Somerville has very little open space, and no commercial agriculture. In fact, we are the densest city in New England, and approx 70% of our land is impervious. Would this technology work on a small, residential parcel scale?
Tom Larson Jun 1, 2015 12:18
| Proposal contributor
It requires soil and plant growth; however, grass captures carbon quite well as will all city trees and shrubs. Additionally the city grass and trees will require less man delivered water and fertilzers thereby further decreasing carbon consumption. In addition, roof top city gardens are highly progressive and yield the benefits of carbon capture, nutrition and and fewer truck deliveries to grocery stores.