Monika Dos Santos Jun 1, 2015 07:14
Hi Dustin
Thank you for submitting a well articulated proposal - I think the links you make to pricing flood risks are particularly relevant.
best wishes
Dimoir Quaw Jun 1, 2015 09:16
Hello Dustin,
Keep up the good work!
Good luck with your proposal
Kind Regards,
Claudius Gabinete Jun 2, 2015 04:36
This is a very interesting proposal. First off, I want to clarify what role will your proposal be playing here. Are you assisting a particular municipality to conduct their own flood risk assessment, planning development, and development of adjusted tax models based on risk? Or will you conduct civic engagement to lobby the local government council to push for a revised zoning measures and building codes? Or an a amalgam of both? Moreover, do you already have a particular city or municipality in mind?
Dustin Carey Jun 3, 2015 08:21
| Proposal contributor
Hi Claudius,
More's the pity, I am not presently involved in any such projects. I have no knowledge of any municipality in North America or Europe which are moving towards implementing risk-based taxation policies, nor that are contemplating it. The linkages between climate change and insurance is one of my research avenues, which led to this idea, and I thought the CoLab to be an interesting median to share the idea, largely with the hope that municipal practitioners would come across it.
Vancouver and Calgary are two municipalities which come to mind which would benefit from a transition towards risk-based property taxation, and I would very much like the opportunity to address/lobby their city councils towards this idea.