Enabling adaptation 2013
How can businesses, governments, and individuals coordinate to ensure the implementation of effective domestic and international strategies to prepare for the effects of climate change?
Even if we were able to limit global average temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius this century, sea levels would likely rise between 18-38 cm (IPCC 2007), and most projections foresee even higher temperature changes. Climate change is a global problem whose challenges must be met at the local and regional level. Developing countries will bear a disproportionate risk, and their fate may largely be determined by decisions made in countries with the least incentive to act. This contest seeks to explore innovative institutional, educational, financial, and other means by which we can increase global preparedness for climate change on both domestic and international scales. See more...
We need to know what resources we are using with every choice we make. Embodied energy should be labeled on everything.
A tailored and demand-led outreach project to foster civil society partnership and community adaptation in the vulnerable Caribbean region
Here's a collaborative approach that at-risk communities can use to move forward with adaptation. Help us implement it!
Terragon the Co-creation Game can help multiple stakeholders work in synchrony to find and implement effective climate change strategies.
Great adaptation ideas can come from unexpected sources. Here a web to share knowledge, support initiatives and collaborate on adaptation.
Adaptation strategies are well known, but do they work?! Let's collectively learn from our successes and failures to enable adaptation.
Intelligent Adaptation: a Climate Fusion Center bridging climate and weather, geopolitics, relief operations, and strategic intelligence.
ClimateVoice is a user-powered service that tracks voices of NGOs from around the world & also provides platform for project implementation
this is pitch....test in FF
The biological world is an enormous and largely untapped database of strategies that can be applied to the challenge of climate adaptation.
Empower the disadvantaged community through participatory photography to reveal unheard vulnerability and form adaptation capacity.